Thursday, December 23, 2021

Your genes do NOT control your destiny…

This is such an important message to listen to daily to remind yourself of the power you have within you to create health. BRUCE LIPTON does a great job of breaking down how your cells and signaling works in the body to help you create better health. Do yourself and you health and wellbeing a favor and watch this often. Let it become imprinted in your life.


Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The tipping point…do you get it?

Here is an interesting and eye opening little video for everyone to examine.

I believe we are at a tipping point and critical thinking is crucial. Examine your fears and how that has curtailed your freedom.

How do you wish to show up in the world and what kind of world do you truly wish to live in. The choice is yours. The creation of your world is also your responsibility.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Questions to ponder as we wrap up 2021….Reflection is the key to more powerful creation.

It is vital to reflect on our year and ask fundamental questions of ourselves.
Our reality is created by what we focus on and what we give energy to. Without focus we get swept away on the current of the world and the prevailing energy and I for one do not wish to be swept away on the current of prevailing fear and separation.

It is in the reflection that we can refine what it is we wish to shift, clear and create in the year to come.
Reflection helps us refine our focus.

2021 taught me that without focus I lose my connection to myself and to the source of all, the divine energy that permeates everything. It also taught me what a powerful creator I am as far as creating both the good and the bad, depending on what state my consciousness is in, or was in.
I need to accept that we are all on our own journey and that we are all divine regardless of our position on our timeline. I must focus on my own inner tapestry and how I wish to weave my unique threads into the tapestry of the Universe. How do I wish to enhance it, add to it with more vibrancy and beauty?

How am I going to show up in 2022 after reflection of what worked and didn’t work this past year. What fueled my passions and created greater wellbeing and what didn’t.

Take the time to reflect and create a plan for the year ahead, a master plan. You can keep breaking this down into smaller part to focus on monthly, weekly and daily. 
Those who fail to plan, plan to fail…I am sure you have heard this before.

With the aid of the above 10 questions, I hope you get more clarity and can create that which you wish to experience and achieve in 2022. Blessings to you and all of humanity.

PLEASE wake up…Our freedoms are in jeopardy…Former Pfizer VP speaks out.

 I would really like for everyone to start looking beyond your fear and start looking at the facts that are staring you in the face.  Anyone that goes against the Media, CDC, WHO, or any government appointed scientific view on social media or media in general is being censored, removed, ridiculed etc. In a true democracy, are we not allowed to speak our views…freedom of speech is in our constitution, yet many Doctors are being removed from Social media platforms. Fact checkers on Facebook are actually just popular opinion and not TRUTH. 

There are so many different avenues you can look at for the truth…STOP believing the news you are being spoon fed, like a baby that can’t think for itself, and start using your amazing brain and finding the facts for yourself. Living in fear is what tyranny relies upon. The tyrannical has always used the guise of public safety to implement more and more restrictions and the experiment of how far they can go will continue until we the people wake up and rise up and say NO MORE!

Here is one scientist speaking out on the current agenda. I have researched and read several more truths. DO NOT allow your freedoms to be obliterated by misinformation and FEAR. Do your homework and dig deeper to discover more facts so that you can make an informed decision and not one based solely on FEAR.  

(Lifesitenews, ICAN, the Highwire, plus many more will give you more information)

WAKE UP, before it is too late. Just look around at the atrocities happening in other countries. You have a right to chose how to take care of your health and wellbeing and the freedom to go where you desire without restriction. Your health, your choice!

Former Pfizer VP warns of ‘totalitarian’ health tyranny

“The authorities are adopting a method of incremental implementation of vaccine passports, according to Yeadon. “They’ll start with places you probably don’t go, like if you’re my age, you’re probably not going to nightclubs. So, I’m not personally affected by the news that you’ll need a vax pass to demonstrate that you’ve been vaccinated before you can get into a nightclub.”

“But that’s how they do it. It’s like dropping a cancerous cell into your body and you’re not noticing because you’re immunocompromised and it grows and metastasizes and then it kills you,” he continued. “And that’s what these [vax passes] are going to do. So don’t tolerate them anywhere in your country. The system will form itself, and I cannot see a way of removing them.”

“Once these things are in your country and being used to regulate access to essential services like food, money, fuel, trains and things like that, you’ll never get rid of it,” Yeadon said. “We’ve got to stop it beforehand.”

AND some food for though:

“ First, he addressed “the only possible argument” public health entities could advance to support vaccine passports, and this includes the notion that a vaccinated person is “safer to be around,” presuming that the shots “reduced transmission to others.”

In response, the expert in respiratory pharmacology said, “They do not [reduce such transmission]. It’s not in dispute. SAGE [Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies] doesn’t say so. The U.K. government doesn’t say so. So please, you’re not safer standing next to someone in a bar that’s been vaccinated. Not at all. And the government doesn’t say so either.”

Secondly, the COVID-19 gene-based vaccines cannot be about health because if they were, those “who’ve already been infected with the virus [and recovered],” thus having developed natural immunity, “would be excused from such injections.”

“Why would you waste money giving them to someone who already has superior immunity to anything you get from the vaccine? Also, it’s dangerous to vaccinate people who’ve already recovered from the disease in question,” he said.”

Continue to read:

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Energy and creating health from the inside out.

 You are energy. I’m guessing this is not news to you and if it is, I’m sorry that it has taken you so long to find this out.

You vibrate at a certain frequency and when you are healthy your energy is vibrant and bright and uplifting. When you are unhealthy, you energy is lower and not as bright or vibrant and it tends to impact the energy around you too.

Your thoughts and feelings impacts the energy you vibrate at. Love, joy, laughter, all have a high frequency that uplifts your energy and vibrations as well as the energy around you. Your thoughts and feelings can affect the expression of this energy by either uplifting and making it more vibrant (raising the frequency) or it can lower the frequency, lowering the vibration.

We also tend to attract the same frequency of energy we emit, (Vibrate at), more on that later.

We have thousands of thoughts in a day and this affects us on an emotional level. To know what your predominant thoughts are, all you have to do is check in with how you are feeling. Are your thoughts uplifting? Do you feel energized , good, empowered? If not, then your predominant thoughts or your monkey mind is circling around “negative” thoughts. I hate to label it, but for ease of explanation, let’s just go with that. Your words have power too and they either uplift the receiver or not. More often than not you are the receiver of your thoughts and words. We talk to ourselves all day long…make sure that your thoughts about and to yourself are uplifting and empowering, because these same self chatter and thoughts impact your health and wellbeing. They impact how high or low your energy/vibrations are, which in turn affects your Immune system. Your thoughts, words and feelings impact your bodies ability to hurt or heal on the inside as well as the outside.

Your emotions effect various organs and systems and are “stored” in these organs…

Lungs: grief, worries and anxiety...or… integrity and dignity

Kidneys: fear…or…wisdom, confidence and inner knowing

Liver: anger….or…kindness

Heart: excitement, zealousness, excess, hate…or…peace and calm and love.

Spleen: pensiveness and excess empathy…or…Secure and rooted in self, trust, acceptance

This is just to name a few…Your major energy centers or wheel/vortex of energy, or chakras as they are called in Sanskrit, carry many other emotional attributes. I cover this is greater detail (upcoming video)  on my YouTube channel: Next Level Wholeness by Natural Health Haven.

It is important to go within and discover what emotions are trapped in various organs and energy centers and heal/release them to allow the stuck energy to be freed and increase the vibration/frequency of the organs and your body as a whole. 

I am mentioning this as there tends to be a lot of focus on eating healthy, exercise, detoxification etc. but not enough emphasis is being put on detoxing the emotions and the thoughts and the toxic belief systems that keep our energies hostage/stuck and continue to lower our vibrations, making us more susceptible to dis-ease and destruction.

Our brain are very powerful forces in creating our inner and outer world and it has become imperative to take back your brain. Master your thoughts, your energy and create a healthier body and a healthier world.

Loving yourself will make the choices of what you consume, how you act, speak and think on all levels more loving and thus of the highest frequency. You will then share that vibrant love and frequency with everyone and everything around you. Imagine a world where everyone loves themselves unconditionally….the choices we make from that space, that vibration is beyond anything you can imagine….Utopia. We can truly create a better world by paying attention to our own inner world and raising the energy/vibrations but loving ourselves from the inside out.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Zinc and Viral Respiratory tract infections.


Does Zinc Really Help Treat Viral Respiratory Tract Infections (RTIs) / Colds?

Judy Stone, MD
November 08, 2021
new study published 2021 in BMJ Open adds to the evidence that zinc is effective against viral respiratory infections, such as colds.


Jennifer Hunter, PhD, BMed, of Western Sydney University's NICM Health Research Institute, New South Wales, Australia, and colleagues conducted a meta-analysis of 28 randomized controlled trials (RCTs). They searched 17 English and Chinese databases to identify the trials and then used the Cochrane rapid review technique for the analysis.
The trials included 5446 adults who had received zinc in a variety of formulations and routes — oral, sublingual, and nasal spray. The researchers separately analyzed whether zinc prevented or treated respiratory tract infections (RTIs)
Oral or intranasal zinc prevented five RTIs per 100 person-months (95% CI, 1 – 8; numbers needed to treat, 20). There was a 32% lower relative risk (RR) of developing mild to moderate symptoms consistent with a viral RTI.
Use of zinc was also associated with an 87% lower risk of developing moderately severe symptoms (incidence rate ratio, 0.13; 95% CI, 0.04 – 0.38) and a 28% lower risk of developing milder symptoms. The largest reductions in RR were for moderately severe symptoms consistent with an influenza-like illness.
Symptoms resolved 2 days earlier with sublingual or intranasal zinc compared with placebo (95% CI, 0.61 – 3.50; very low-certainty quality of evidence). There were clinically significant reductions in day 3 symptom severity scores (mean difference, -1.20 points; 95% CI, -0.66 to -1.74; low-certainty quality of evidence) but not in overall symptom severity. Participants who used sublingual or topical nasal zinc early in the course of illness were 1.8 times more likely to recover before those who used a placebo.
However, the investigators found no benefit of zinc when patients were inoculated with rhinovirus; there was no reduction in the risk of developing a cold. Asked about this disparity, Hunter said, "It might well be that when inoculating people to make sure they get infected, you give them a really high dose of the virus. [This] doesn't really mimic what happens in the real world.”
BMJ Open. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-047474.

Read attached link for full document/research paper. 

Monday, November 15, 2021

Embracing womanhood and appreciating the women around you.

 It is time for us to embrace the women around us and stop competing. We are all amazing and powerful and sisters. When we grow and succeed and love and embrace our own power we do so for all women.

We are not enemies, we are here to recognize our own divinity and see it reflected in the eyes of all women. Our pain is shared and so is our power.

I love this post by The daily Om....I hope it touches you like it touched me and inspires you like it inspires me.

Embracing Womanhood

When a woman honors herself, all women collectively move closer to becoming what they're truly capable of being.

There are many ways and myriad reasons for women to honor and embrace all that they are. And when any individual woman chooses to do so, all women collectively move closer to becoming what they are truly capable of being. By honoring her experience and being willing to share it with others -- both male and female -- she teaches as she learns. When she can trust herself and her inner voice, she teaches those around her to trust her as well. Clasping hands with family members and friends, coworkers and strangers in a shared walk through the journey of life, she allows all to see the self-respect she possesses and accepts their respect, too, that is offered through look, word, and deed.  

When a woman can look back into her past, doing so without regret and instead seeing only lessons that brought her to her current strength and wisdom, she embraces the fullness of her experience. She helps those around her to build upon the past as she does. And when she chooses to create her desires, she places her power in the present and moves forward with life into the future. 

Seeing her own divinity, a woman learns to recognize the divinity in all women. She then can see her body as a temple, appreciating its feminine form and function, regardless of what age or stage of life she finds herself. She can enjoy all that it brings to her experience and appreciate other women and their experiences as well. Rather than seeing other women as competition, she can look around her to see the cycle of life reflected in the beauty of her sisters, reminding her of her own radiance should she ever forget. She can then celebrate all the many aspects that make her a being worthy of praise, dancing to express the physical, speaking proudly to express her intellect, sharing her emotions, and leading the way with her spiritual guidance. Embracing her womanhood, she reveals the facets that allow her to shine with the beauty and strength of a diamond to illuminate her world

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Energy Production (Dr Zach Bush) Unlock the creative life force within…

Take the time to watch this 17 minute video that is truly inspirational and enlightening.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Artificial sweetener may not be what you desire if you're trying to lose weight....


Artificial Sweetener Ups Appetite in Women, People With Obesity

A new study (September 28, 2021), suggests that replacing sugar (sucrose) with the nonnutritive sweetener sucralose may not have the desired weight-loss effect, and in fact, it appears to increase appetite in women and people with obesity.
These are novel insights and further studies are needed, experts say.
After consuming a drink sweetened with sucralose versus sucrose, women and people with obesity had increased activity in the reward center of the brain and women ate more food at a post-fasting buffet.
"We were able to show that females and people with obesity may be more sensitive to artificial sweeteners," senior author Kathleen Page, MD, an associate professor of medicine at the Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, summarized in a press release from the university.
"For these groups, drinking artificially sweetened drinks may trick the brain into feeling hungry, which may in turn result in more calories being consumed," she added.
Although many people use artificial sweeteners to try to lose weight, Page noted their place in a healthy diet is controversial. Some studies suggest they may be helpful, while others show they may contribute to weight gain, type 2 diabetes, and other metabolic disorders.
The new findings may partly explain these previous differences, she said.
The results also highlight the need to consider gender and body mass index in future research of nonnutritive sweeteners.
The study, by Alexandra G. Yunker, an MPH candidate in nutrition at Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts, and colleagues, was published onlineSeptember 28 in JAMA Network Open.

Novel Findings, Need to Consider Sex, Adiposity in Future Research 

The current study "is of great importance as it provides novel insights into how adiposity and sex are associated with neural and behavioral outcomes of [nonnutritive sweetener] ingestion," Stephanie Kullmann, PhD, writes in an accompanying invited commentary.
Invited to comment, John L. Sievenpiper, MD, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Nutritional Sciences and Medicine at the University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, agreed that the data need to be reproduced.
Several questions remain, he stressed in an email to Medscape Medical News: "Was it the sucralose per se or the absence of calories that explains these findings? And the bigger question is, do these differences by adiposity and sex translate into weight gain?"
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of the available randomized controlled trials of low and no calorie sweeteners including sucralose show the expected decrease in caloric intake and downstream weight loss in both males and females who are overweight or obese, he noted.
"It would be useful to understand if there are important interactions by adiposity and sex in future trials," Sievenpiper added.

Young Men and Women of Diverse Weight

Nonnutritive sweeteners are now used by more than 40% of US adults, the researchers write, but studies have reported mixed results on appetite, glucose metabolism, and body weight, and it is not clear whether these sweeteners are beneficial or harmful to health.
Prior research that was mainly in men and lean participants showed that brain areas involved in the regulation of taste, reward, and homeostasis may respond differently to nonnutritive versus nutritive sugars.
The researchers aimed to investigate this using initial data from the Brain Response to Sugar study (  
They analyzed data from 74 healthy 18- to 35-year-olds (58% women) with a mean age of 23. Overall, 37% had a healthy weight, 32% were overweight, and 31% had obesity.
Participants made three separate visits to the study center after a 12-hour overnight fast.
At each visit they drank 300 mL of water, a sucralose-sweetened drink, or a sucrose-sweetened drink.
They had blood drawn at baseline and at 10, 35, and 120 minutes after ingesting the drink.
At 20 minutes after consuming the drink, they had a functional MRI, during which they were shown 12 pictures of high-calorie, low-calorie, sweet, or savory foods and four pictures that were not foods and were asked to rank their appetite.
At 125 minutes after they ingested the drink, participants had access to a buffet meal.
"As expected, endocrine responses" — blood levels of glucose, insulin, and glucagon-like peptide-1 — "were greater after sucrose than sucralose ingestion," Kullmann noted, "but there were no significant differences based on sex and adiposity."  
However, "the most prominent and novel findings were observed on a neurobehavioral level," according to Kullmann.
That is, individuals with obesity (but not those with overweight or a healthy weight), had greater neural activity in the prefrontal reward-related areas of the brain, in response to savory food images, after ingesting a drink containing sucralose versus sucrose.
Similarly, after consuming a sucralose-sweetened drink as opposed to a sucrose-sweetened drink, female participants had greater activity in reward areas of the brain in response to food cues, especially high-calorie and sweet foods.
Women also consumed more calories at the buffet meal after they had ingested a sucralose-sweetened drink than after a sucrose-sweetened drink.
The study was supported by a grant from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health (NIH). The Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) database used is supported by the Southern California Clinical and Translational Science Institute through an NIH grant. The researchers and editorialist have reported no relevant financial relationships.
JAMA Netw Open. 2021;4:e2126313, e2128047. ArticleEditorial

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Conscious cleaning...

 I wrote this piece many, many years ago but still feel its relevance when we apply our energy mindfully to whatever task we embark upon.

Enjoy the musings of my mind when cleaning....

Yesterday, another day filled with exitement. It's own blend of weather, green trees, grass and new life everywhere.

My awareness tested often......
I started cleaning and a familiar feeling washed over me, a sense of urgency and critisism.
This time I stopped and paid attention. What was it and why now......I do not really enjoy cleaning @ the best of times but today I recognised the feelings - something deep inside said hurry up, clean properly and clean everywhere. It came from a long time ago, from the child within remembering her plight of cleaning under scrutiny of another.
I stopped, I chose a different frequency... I put on my Ipod and pulled out the brass bell to dispell away old energy, clearing the space. I decided today I was going to clean slowly, meticulously, without urgency and filled with exitement, new life and opportunity.
A realization of an oppurtunity to wipe away the old and imprint the new into every part of my little home. The energy with which I approach and do this task would be the energy that I would be infusing into my home and in turn into my life right now.

Conciously cleaning is also a mind trip. The thoughts that pop through to be wiped away are amazing, mind blowing. It was a good opportunity to stop often and ask myself, what am I thinking and feeling now? A good time to either wipe away or continue totally immersed in this new creation.  So, with that in mind I cleaned everything lovingly, imprinting joy and life into every corner and every shelf.........the feeling of urgency dissapeared, relief and gratitude took it's place.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Self love and falling in love with yourself

 Another great article by Madisyn Taylor and the Daily Om  

It is essential for our health and well-being to truly love our authentic selves, the soul that we are housed in this body during this lifetime  

Let’s all take the time to once again fall in love with ourselves  

Falling In love With Yourself

Once you discover how to fall in love with yourself, you can't help but treat yourself with respect and thoughtfulness.

While seeking love, many people tend to look outward rather than inward. Yet falling in love with yourself can be just as wonderful an experience as falling in love with someone else. While the idea of falling in love with ourselves may be thought of as conceited or selfish, choosing to fall in love with who you are is a powerful act of self-love. 
When you fall in love with yourself, you can't help but experience a wonderful sense of discovery. You begin to look at yourself again through fresh eyes, becoming more attentive to the little details that make you so unique. Once you discover how much there is about you to fall in love with, you can't help but want to treat yourself as lovingly and respectfully as you would treat anyone who is special to you. You start to give to yourself more because you become more attentive to your own needs and desires. 
Choosing to fall in love with yourself is a very personal process that takes time. There is no magic wand you can wave to make this happen. But there is the magic of your intention and the power of your actions, whether you are taking the time to do the activities you like, speaking to and treating yourself with respect, taking inventory of all of your wonderful qualities and accomplishments, or nurturing yourself with plenty of rest and self-care. When you fall in love with yourself, you begin to see yourself more positively, appreciate your unique outlook on life, and treat yourself in a more nurturing way. In loving yourself, you are acknowledging that you are special and deserving of love. Best of all, you are giving yourself one of the greatest gifts you have to give another. You are giving yourself the gift of your love.

Improving Self love and self Esteem

 I love this and I for one am definitely starting this as a daily exercise. I am going to use this to increase my self love and appreciation too. I am changing it to 5 things I LOVE about myself. I believe this exercise may be hard for some as I remember how tough it was when I just had to stare into my eyes in the mirror daily and say: Heidi, I love you, and really mean it. I found that exercise really difficult at first.

I encourage those who are starting on the self love journey to start with the exercise of saying I love you to yourself whilst staring deeply into your own eyes in the mirror...Do this earnestly and honestly as you are only fooling yourself by doing it any other way. Say it at least 10 times daily...and like all thing we do to improve our lives and ourselves, start slowly if 10 times is just too hard.

My self love has definitely increased and I continue to work on it becoming unconditional and automatic, kinda like how we automatically criticize ourselves. I AM Working toward unconditional love for self and others, so that I may be and see the love of every soul shining back at me, as a reflection of myself and them.

I like using some of the Daily Om articles as Madisyn Taylor writes so beautifully and concise on the topics I love to share with you.

Please try this exercise with me and share how you have noticed it improving your life and self love/esteem.

A Self-Esteem Exercise ... Daily Om (Madisyn Taylor)

Having low self-esteem is a common issue -- with some introspection you can start to loosen the grip of this negative thought pattern. 

Our primary relationship in life is with ourselves. No one else goes through every experience in life with us. We are our one permanent companion, yet we are often our worst critic. To remind ourselves of our magnificence, we can do this exercise: "Five Things I Like About Myself."  

Begin by writing down at least five things that you like about yourself. This is not the time to be modest. If you are having trouble coming up with a total of five items, you know that this exercise can really benefit you. Be sure to include more than your physical attributes on your list, since our bodies are only part of who we are. If you are still struggling with what to include on your list, think of what you like about your favorite people, because these traits are probably qualities that you possess too. Another way to complete your list is to think of five things you don't like about yourself and find something about these traits that you can turn into a positive.  

Continue this process for a week, thinking of five new things you like about yourself each day. At the end of the week, read the list aloud to yourself while standing in front of a mirror. Instead of looking for flaws to fix, allow the mirror to reflect your magnificence. You may feel silly about standing in front of a mirror and reading aloud a list of your admirable attributes, but it might just bring a smile to your face and change the way you see yourself. Remember, it is when you feel the most resistant that this exercise can benefit you the most. Because we are constantly looking at the world, instead of looking at ourselves, we don't often see what's magnificent about ourselves that others do. When we take the time to experience ourselves the way we would experience someone we love and admire, we become our best companion and supporter on life's journey.

What is methylation and why is it important?

Monday, June 21, 2021

The liver and why you have one...

 What is the liver?  

Your liver is your body’s largest solid organ. On average, it weighs around 3 pounds in adulthood and is roughly the size of a football. This organ is vital to the body’s metabolic, detoxification, and immune system functions. Without a functioning liver, a person cannot survive.

The liver’s position is mostly in the right upper portion of the abdomen, just below the diaphragm. A portion of the liver is located in the left upper abdomen as well. The gallbladder, where bile is stored, is found in a small hollow on the underside of the liver.

What’s the purpose of the liver?

The liver’s major functions are in the metabolic processes of the body. These include:

  • breaking down or converting certain substances
  • balancing energy metabolism by converting glycogen to glucose and storing extra glucose by converting it to glycogen
  • making toxins less harmful to the body and removing them from the bloodstream

The liver does this by receiving blood with nutrients from the digestive organs via a vein known as the hepatic portal vein. With the help of vitamin K, the liver produces proteins that are important in blood clotting. It is also one of the organs that break down old or damaged blood cells.

The many cells of the liver, known as hepatocytes, accept and filter this blood. They act as little sorting centers, determining:

  • which nutrients should be processed
  • what should be stored
  • what should be eliminated via the stool
  • what should go back to the blood

The liver stores fat-soluble vitamins as well as minerals such as copper and iron, releasing them if the body needs them. It also helps to break down fats in a person’s diet. It either metabolizes fats or releases them as energy.

The liver plays a central role in all metabolic processes in the body. In fat metabolism the liver cells break down fats and produce energy. They also produce about 800 to 1,000 ml of bile per day. This yellow, brownish or olive green liquid is collected in small ducts and then passed on to the main bile duct, which carries the bile to a part of the small intestine called the duodenum. Bile is important for the breakdown and absorption of fats.

In the metabolism of carbohydrates, the liver helps to ensure that the level of sugar in your blood (blood glucose) stays constant. If your blood sugar levels increase, for example after a meal, the liver removes sugar from blood supplied by the portal vein and stores it in the form of glycogen. If someone’s blood sugar levels are too low, the liver breaks down glycogen and releases sugar into the blood. As well as sugar, the liver also stores vitamins and minerals (iron and copper), and releases them into the blood when needed.

The liver also produces an estimated 800 t0 1000ml of bile each day. This bile is transported via bile ducts that eventually join and form the common bile duct that flows into the small intestine. The small intestine uses the bile to further help with break down and absorption of fats. Extra bile is stored in the gallbladder.

The liver produces and breaks down proteins as well. The byproduct of breaking down amino acid proteins is called ammonia, which can be toxic to the body in large amounts. The liver turns the toxic ammonia into a substance called urea. The liver releases this into the blood where the kidneys excrete it via the urine. The liver also removes alcohol from the blood, as well as affects many medications a person takes.

As if these functions weren’t enough, the liver also plays major roles in the following:

  • creating immune system factors that can fight against infection
  • creating proteins responsible for blood clotting
  • breaking down old and damaged red blood cells
  • storing extra blood sugar as glycogen

When taking all this into consideration, it’s easy to see how important the liver is to a person’s health.

The liver is a half-moon shaped organ that’s fairly straight on the bottom. It’s tilted slightly in the body’s cavity, with the left portion above the stomach and the right portion above the first part of the small intestine.

Compared to the rest of the body, the liver has a significant amount of blood flowing through it — an estimated 13 percent of the body’s blood is in the liver at any given time.

The liver is truly an amazing organ in that it has the capacity to regenerate. This means that after an injury or surgery to remove tissue, the liver tissue can grow back to a certain extent.

The liver starts growing back by having the existing cells enlarge. Then, new liver cells start to multiply.

Within a week after removing two-thirds of the liver, the liver can return to the same weight it was before surgery. The liver has been known to regenerate completely after as many as 12 partial liver removal surgeries.

Unfortunately, there are many diseases that can affect the liver and its functioning. Examples of common conditions that affect the liver include:

Autoimmune hepatitis

This condition occurs when the body’s immune system attacks itself and destroys healthy liver tissue. Autoimmune hepatitis can lead to cirrhosis and other liver damage.

Biliary atresia

Biliary atresia is a condition that adversely affects a person’s bile ducts and bile flow from when they’re an infant. If left untreated, the condition can cause liver scarring and affect liver tissue.


Cirrhosis is a condition where scar tissue replaces healthy liver tissue. A number of conditions can cause cirrhosis. They include long-term excessive alcohol use, chronic hepatitis, or rare genetic disorders, such as Wilson’s disease.


This condition causes an excess of iron to build up in the body. Too much iron can damage the liver, sometimes causing cirrhosis.

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis generally refers to a viral infection that causes liver inflammation, although there are other possible causes of hepatitis. The hepatitis virus types have different letters, including A, B, C, D, and E. Each has a different cause and severity.

Hepatitis A is more common in developing countries without clean drinking water and with poor sanitation systems. Most people can recover from hepatitis A without liver failure or long-term complications.

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B can cause a short or long-term infection. The younger you are when infected, the higher the risk for long-term infection. While in U.S. adults the disease is most commonly spread through sexual contact, a person can also get it through sharing needles or accidentally sticking themselves with a contaminated needle.

The condition can cause serious complications, including liver failure and cancer. There’s a vaccination you can get against the disease.

Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C can be an acute or chronic infection, however the majority of acute hepatitis C infections will turn chronic. It’s most commonly spread by contact with blood containing the hepatitis C virus in it, which includes sharing contaminated needles to inject drugs or apply tattoos. Although less common, transmission through sexual intercourse can occur.

This condition can cause inflammation that can lead to cirrhosis, liver failure, and liver cancer.

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and NASH

These are conditions where fat builds up in the liver. An excess of fat can damage the liver, causing inflammation.

Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a form of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease that causes scarring or fibrosis. People who are obese or have conditions relating to obesity, such as type 2 diabetes, are more likely to have this disease.

The takeaway

The liver has many functions in the body as well as an amazing capacity to regenerate itself. Without it, a person couldn’t gain energy from food or break down fats and proteins in their daily diets.

However, there are many medical conditions that can affect a person’s liver function. This is especially true if a person is a heavy drinker, as excess alcohol can place too great a strain on the liver’s function.

Maintaining a healthy weight and practicing balanced eating and exercise habits can help you maintain your liver health.


The good news is there are several different nutrients and herbs to bolster your liver health.

It is always a good idea to check with your health practitioner which are the best and most beneficial for your particular condition.

(information gained from educational platforms: -

Friday, June 18, 2021

Life under constant surveillance...

I am inundated with various outlets regarding our current situation in the world of Pandemics, "vaccines" and the domino effect of mandates and the effects on health freedom.

I respect the information that we have received in the past from this Doctor and wanted to share it here.

As with all information that is available to you...take way you wish, listen to what resonates and stay open to new possibilities and views. (this is not intended to start any debates, alienate anyone etc. It is merely here to give you another perspective (we don't always have to like or agree with what is presented but we can stay open to listening)

Thursday, June 17, 2021


 Oh my word,

I am being blown away by the information and wisdom coming to my inbox lately.

I am an avid follower of shamanism and Alberto Villoldo and he wrote this beautiful piece on relationships/marriage and I know you will all learn or receive something from this if you stay open.

"In many cultures around the world, the Spiritual Seeker is celibate – and that’s a wonderful way of avoiding the complexity and complications of relationships.

The shaman understands that we are attracted to those people that we have to learn with and learn through. Most of our early relationships are deeply karmic. We are looking for that person who can help us heal our wounds, who can help us find ourselves. And, of course, we can never do that through the Other. The Other only serves as a mirror for what it is that we need to heal.

A friend of mine who is getting divorced recently told me: “I miss the woman that I married, but I don’t miss at all the woman I’m divorcing.” And that’s because she became such a clear mirror for him of what he needed to do to heal himself. I told him, “You have to stop looking for the right partner, and instead work on becoming the right partner.”

When we understand that marriage is the arena where we can go to meet Spirit face-to-face, and when we practice deep gratitude for all of those difficult lessons that our partner is offering us, then we can truly evolve our relationship. But if we insist on making the Other wrong, then we are only going to dig ourselves deeper into our hole. Our task is not to look for someone who is going to be more like us, but to find the person that we can commit to a healing journey with.

When you think you have found that person, go through a courtship process like the one I did with my wife, Marcela. Examine the seven chakras on the body and make a commitment at the level of each chakra.

At the first chakra: How are you going to help each other with your survival needs, your basic identity needs, and are you going to commit to each other in meeting your most fundamental needs? This is where you will learn if you have the foundation to keep building. Do you feel safe? Can you disclose yourself, who you really are, and not who you want others to see you as? Can you trust this person to not hurt you if you show your soft underbelly? This is what it’s all about, and you have to be willing to reveal yourself, and to talk about it – which can be scary and painful.

At the second chakra: How are you going to embrace the Other for who he/she is – and all the gifts, blessings and curses? Are you willing to receive them and embrace them and commit to help the Other discover the fullness of their being?

At the third chakra: How can you acknowledge, respect and contribute to each other’s power and expression in the world without feeling threatened by it?

At the fourth chakra, the heart: How can you dedicate yourselves to practicing unconditional love – and by that I mean love that is not conditioned by our upbringing, by mommy and daddy. Unconditioned love is based on honoring the Other.

At the fifth chakra: How can you respect each other’s voice? Can you make a commitment to hear the Other deeply, to be a good listener, to be a careful witness to your partner and invite their voice to be developed to its fullest, versus a hidden whisper for fear of offending.

At the sixth chakra: How can you support each other’s vision of your journey in the world?

At the seventh chakra: How can you have a joint spiritual practice?

You must go through the seven levels of deep commitment that are required for a fulfilling relationship, because if you have only six – say that at your second chakra, your sense of self, you don’t feel you are being received or respected by your partner – it’s not going to work. If you do the work at each of these levels, then you can grow the kind of relationship that can thrive, even in the most challenging of times.

Many of us start out hoping we have found the most perfect partner out there … and that lasts for about two weeks (or if you really stretch it, maybe two months). But we can become the right partner by going through this series of initiations.



Alberto Villoldo - The Four Winds"

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

YES, YOU are enough

 Oh my word,

This article hit the spot for me. I could not have said it any better....

There are many times that I have feelings of inadequacies and it usually happens when I am comparing myself to others and the major accomplishments and philantrophic work they do. I forget that being me, being true to myself and loving myself is enough. The energy of that fullness and radiance emanates and shines on everyone you meet. 

We never know how our being-ness and energy affects others and the healing affect we have by giving a smile, a hug, words of encouragement and/or positivity. By following our passion and sharing ourselves authentically we have a powerful impact on the world around us. We are all and integral part of the tapestry of life and the world needs us to be just as we are.

I hope this article from the DAILYOM inspires and touches your heart like it did mine...

You Are Enough

Just being here, being ourselves, is enough.

Most of us have the feeling that we are here to accomplish something big in our lives, and if we haven't done something that fits the bill we may feel as if we are waiting. We may feel incomplete, or empty, as if our lives don't yet make sense to us, because they don't line up with our idea of major accomplishment. In some cases, this may be because we really are meant to do something that we haven't yet done. But in most cases, we can let ourselves off the hook with the realization that just being here, being ourselves, is enough.  

As we live our lives in this world, we share our energy and our spirit with the people around us in numerous ways. Our influence touches their lives and, through them, touches the lives of many more people. When we strive to live our lives to the fullest and to become our true selves, we are doing something big on an inner level, and that is more than enough to make sense of our being here on this planet at this time. There is no need to hold ourselves to an old idea in the back of our minds that we need to make headlines or single-handedly save the world in order to validate our existence.  

We can each look within our hearts to discover what is true for us, what gives our lives meaning, and what excites us. We can release ourselves from any pressure to perform that comes from outside of our inner sense of purpose. Staying in tune with our own values and living our lives in tune with our own vision is all we need in order to fulfill our time here. Our lives are a process of becoming so that we cannot help but cocreate; being who we are, responding to each moment as it comes, we can trust that this is enough.