Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Deeper discoveries of self during my daily practice...

 I am on the verge of moving into something new, something that I feel more passionate about. I am telling you this because I made some discoveries about my emotions regarding all these shifts.

I have been practicing Naturopathic Medicine and Energy Medicine for many years now and I am continuing my Naturopathic education online and have been wondering why I feel so unmotivated to study and listen to my lectures, take my exams etc. It turns out that I am not as passionate about the whole body chemistry and nutritional aspects of health as I used to be. In life we grow and change and currently my passion is more about the energy systems, the thoughts, beliefs and emotions that impact wellbeing and health. And I have been to afraid to focus solely on that in my business. There have been some false belief systems regarding this as a successful career choice, however, my morning ritual revealed that it had a lot more to do with my fear of failure which is really more about my feelings of not being good enough.

My Master said to me “you are brilliant” and replying, “yes I am’ made me cringe a little. WOW, do I have some work to do on that. 

So, here’s all that I have discovered today.  I asked myself what am I resisting and the answer was failure And when I asked why I discovered that it is really about not being good enough and this is the underlying emotion (this impacts all and everything in my life) I kept digging into these feelings and another layer was revealed and it was a lack of trust, another huge challenge in life and in pursuit of my dreams. A lack of trust is not just about the outside world but a lack of trusting myself too, and knowing what I know, only I can fix the lack of trust in myself. Trusting that if I keep my eye on the prize...my dreams, the Universe will provide. Trusting that I will take daily action towards my dreams. It’s energy and the law of attraction. I have BIG dreams for a beautiful world filled with love and compassion. 

I heard that having big dreams means that you will face big obstacles and I have discovered that the biggest of those obstacles in ME and the lies that I have been telling myself and have believed about what I have learned or heard since childhood. It always seems so easy to believe the bad stuff about ourselves but not the good stuff. 

I keep a daily practice (not always diligently and I’m staying out of judgement here) to discover what thoughts I have that block my progress. What emotions are lying within that are sabotaging me? And throughout the day I watch myself and how I feel and my interactions with the world around me. This is the place of self discovery and the place of personal growth and expansion. Only in acknowledging our emotions and beliefs can we change them and chose something different. Sometimes we need help with that and I have many amazing practitioners/ healers and partners in health to assist when I need it. Everyone needs help sometimes and it is important to find your healing tribe.

Today I will practice self love and self validation. I will take inspired action toward my passions and I will be honest in my evaluations of who and what I am. Wayne Dyer said: “if no-one ever told you who you were, who would you be?” I am deciding/choosing to be courageous and take the steps toward living a more fulfilling life, following my passion, and facing the fears along the way. I am choosing to believe that I AM brilliant and I have something special to offer the world. And that I can help you realise that you too are brilliant and magnificent and the world earnestly needs you, through practicing my passion and sharing it with the world.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Who am I and what do I want?

 These are very powerful questions that we must answer. We must keep asking until we discover the deep truth.

We are not our gender, our jobs, our titles, our bodies or even our thoughts. We are so much more than that. We are divine energy expressed in a physical body. And it doesn't matter how much of this we know on an intellectual level. It is important to experience this truth on a cellular level and this can only be achieved through asking this question sincerely everyday and quietly waiting (or sitting in silence)for your body to respond. 

Asking what do I want is the next step and wading through the superficial answers, that are just the top layer and more an egoic response than the true desire of you soul, is key. 

Once you know who you truly are and that all are connected, you cannot live your life the same way any longer. You desire to live a heart centered life widely benefiting all.

AND this is why these questions are vital at this time. We must stop hurting each other and believing we are better than anyone else. Only in discovering our true nature will we be kinder and more compassionate with ourselves and others.  We will start creating a world and life that is empowering, enriching and all encompassing.

Find your answers by sincerely searching and finding a spiritual/soulful practice that allows you to reach deep within where all truth lies.

I personally like meditation, energy healing and balancing and have used numerous other modalities to support me on my journey of deeper self discovery and my quest for enlightenment. (EFT, Emotion Code Healing, healing touch, BodynBrain, Brain education, energy readings, past life regression etc.)

FEAR...real or imagined?

 "Fear is a limitation of our minds. People have so much fear about getting sick or about becoming homeless or whatever. Anger is fear that becomes a defense mechanism. It protects you and yet it would be much more powerful for you to do affirmations so you can stop recreating fearful situations in your minds, and love yourself through the fear. Again, nothing comes from outside of us. We are at the center of everything that happens in our lives. Everything is inside—every experience, every relationship, is a mirror of a mental pattern that we have inside us."

                                                            ~ Louise Hay

Affirmations are great to redirect our thoughts to something more productive. Our thoughts create our reality and it becomes critical to watch our repetitive thoughts if we wish to change our world (our creations) And as we have thousands of thoughts daily we can certainly check if our thoughts are uplifting or not and this we do by checking how we are feeling. If you feel good and positive and vital then your thoughts are uplifting. If you do not then most of your thoughts are lowering your energy and vibration and this attract the same frequency of energy, so more situations, thoughts and feelings that makes you feel crappy, more fearful etc.

Fear is also usually and indicator that you are not living in the present moment. You are in the past or the future. Feeling that fear in the present moment brings you back from the what ifs to the what is and what can I think and do, and create to have a different outcome that creates better feelings and empowers us.

Having the courage to face your own emotions/fears is the first step in increasing your energy and vitality. It is also the turning point on a journey towards enlightenment and opening the heart to allow more love for self and others. (see the Map of consciousness by David Hawkins PhD)

Fear is, as a famous saying goes,  "False Evidence Appearing Real"

" If you look into your own heart,  and you find nothing wrong there, what is there to worry about? What is there to fear?"       ~ Confucius

Sunday, October 18, 2020


 We all have so many preconceptions about so many things.

Have you ever stopped to wonder where they come from? And if they are blocking you from a fuller experience of life or trying new things, expanding your horizons?

Think about meditation...many have preconceived ideas of what meditation is and isn't and how it should go, however meditation is merely the slowing down and stillness of the mind, so that you can find your center and have some clarity. And because of these preconceptions many never get to try or experience the tremendous health benefits from meditation.

You can meditate by walking through the woods and listening to the birds and the wind rustling through the leaves whilst feeling the warmth of the sun on your body. You can meditate while watching the ocean and listening to the waves and seagulls. 

Lying on your back looking at the clouds as they play in the sky can be a form of meditation, as long as you are present and still. clearing your mind and listening and watching what is right there with you.

And then there is the structured types of meditations too.


This is not a discussion on meditation, it's a discussion about our preconceptions. Our beliefs and thought about things and people and places that cause us to miss the gifts of life, to miss the full experience.

We may stop ourselves from expressing our creativity because we perceive our abilities as not being capable enough or we have a preconception that it is silly or does not fit into a certain image.

I can't sing well, so I am never going to do it even though singing along with my favorite song makes me feel good. I am not going to enjoy drawing because I am not good at it. Phrases like "sing as if no-one is listening and dance like no-one is watching" draws on the fact that we don't do these small, fun things because we have preconceptions or lies/thoughts/beliefs about ourselves regarding these actions that rob us of the joy that comes from doing without worrying how we look or what others think of us.

These are small examples of how our preconceptions/beliefs stop us from doing what may ultimately enhance our being and connect us to our true selves.

I am fat, ugly, not good enough, smart enough, strong enough etc. These are the lies we perpetuate to ourselves (our preconceptions) causing so much turmoil and pain throughout our lives and relationships and ultimately how we view and treat everyone and everything in our world. Our wounds cause us to wound others. And we wound ourselves by perpetuating these lies and thoughts towards ourselves.

When we don't love ourselves and look at all the thoughts and beliefs we carry, we fail to change, to grow and create healthier lives and a healthier world and planet for all.