You are energy. I’m guessing this is not news to you and if it is, I’m sorry that it has taken you so long to find this out.
You vibrate at a certain frequency and when you are healthy your energy is vibrant and bright and uplifting. When you are unhealthy, you energy is lower and not as bright or vibrant and it tends to impact the energy around you too.
Your thoughts and feelings impacts the energy you vibrate at. Love, joy, laughter, all have a high frequency that uplifts your energy and vibrations as well as the energy around you. Your thoughts and feelings can affect the expression of this energy by either uplifting and making it more vibrant (raising the frequency) or it can lower the frequency, lowering the vibration.
We also tend to attract the same frequency of energy we emit, (Vibrate at), more on that later.
We have thousands of thoughts in a day and this affects us on an emotional level. To know what your predominant thoughts are, all you have to do is check in with how you are feeling. Are your thoughts uplifting? Do you feel energized , good, empowered? If not, then your predominant thoughts or your monkey mind is circling around “negative” thoughts. I hate to label it, but for ease of explanation, let’s just go with that. Your words have power too and they either uplift the receiver or not. More often than not you are the receiver of your thoughts and words. We talk to ourselves all day long…make sure that your thoughts about and to yourself are uplifting and empowering, because these same self chatter and thoughts impact your health and wellbeing. They impact how high or low your energy/vibrations are, which in turn affects your Immune system. Your thoughts, words and feelings impact your bodies ability to hurt or heal on the inside as well as the outside.
Your emotions effect various organs and systems and are “stored” in these organs…
Lungs: grief, worries and anxiety...or… integrity and dignity
Kidneys: fear…or…wisdom, confidence and inner knowing
Liver: anger….or…kindness
Heart: excitement, zealousness, excess, hate…or…peace and calm and love.
Spleen: pensiveness and excess empathy…or…Secure and rooted in self, trust, acceptance
This is just to name a few…Your major energy centers or wheel/vortex of energy, or chakras as they are called in Sanskrit, carry many other emotional attributes. I cover this is greater detail (upcoming video) on my YouTube channel: Next Level Wholeness by Natural Health Haven.
It is important to go within and discover what emotions are trapped in various organs and energy centers and heal/release them to allow the stuck energy to be freed and increase the vibration/frequency of the organs and your body as a whole.
I am mentioning this as there tends to be a lot of focus on eating healthy, exercise, detoxification etc. but not enough emphasis is being put on detoxing the emotions and the thoughts and the toxic belief systems that keep our energies hostage/stuck and continue to lower our vibrations, making us more susceptible to dis-ease and destruction.
Our brain are very powerful forces in creating our inner and outer world and it has become imperative to take back your brain. Master your thoughts, your energy and create a healthier body and a healthier world.
Loving yourself will make the choices of what you consume, how you act, speak and think on all levels more loving and thus of the highest frequency. You will then share that vibrant love and frequency with everyone and everything around you. Imagine a world where everyone loves themselves unconditionally….the choices we make from that space, that vibration is beyond anything you can imagine….Utopia. We can truly create a better world by paying attention to our own inner world and raising the energy/vibrations but loving ourselves from the inside out.
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