Monday, May 12, 2008

Naturopathic Bill

My time has been consumed with letters to Senators the last few days and somehow I did not fell like airing all my feelings but I guess I am ready to now.

There is a bill waiting on the senate floor to be voted on that can change the lives of many practitioners...mine included. It is being voted on tomorow morning at 8:30am.
I wait with fingers crossed and many a prayer sent out to the void beyond hoping for the forces to greet it with open arms and send it back to me in just the right way.

There are 20 naturopathic physicians that are wanting to be regulated or lisenced and they believe that it will improve their lives and practice. all I can say is that it is a shame that egos tend to blind us. The only people this will benefit is the medical profession and some of the schools in Minnesota. There are only accredited schools outside of Minnesota currently and should this pass then Northwestern College of Chiropractic has a good chance of being able to open a Naturopathic program....convenient!!! This explains why their lobbyist are at the state Capitol too.

I entered into this profession to assist poeple in finding their way back to their health , naturally.
I did not know that all my years of study will be looked at as nothing. This is what is happening once this bill passes....I as a classical naturopath will no longer be able to use those credentials or practise any form of Naturopathy unless I go to an accredited school for 4 years of full time studying and I would need to close my office and start back again in four years, not to mention that the schools are all out of state and do not offer anything but full time study...GREAT!!!!!
My hope is that the Senators see that there are many practitioners out there that have a Classical naturopathic education and that all their rights are being stripped. Ironic that I am hoping for acknowledgement of rights when we are fighting a war and no one is paying attention to the rights of all those innocent people. (Another topic for another time)

Glad I got that out there...the wait and tension will be over tomorow morning.

I keep sending good energy to all involved trusting that whatever will be must be....

Trust, now that's a good topic for later.......

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