Saturday, October 24, 2020

Who am I and what do I want?

 These are very powerful questions that we must answer. We must keep asking until we discover the deep truth.

We are not our gender, our jobs, our titles, our bodies or even our thoughts. We are so much more than that. We are divine energy expressed in a physical body. And it doesn't matter how much of this we know on an intellectual level. It is important to experience this truth on a cellular level and this can only be achieved through asking this question sincerely everyday and quietly waiting (or sitting in silence)for your body to respond. 

Asking what do I want is the next step and wading through the superficial answers, that are just the top layer and more an egoic response than the true desire of you soul, is key. 

Once you know who you truly are and that all are connected, you cannot live your life the same way any longer. You desire to live a heart centered life widely benefiting all.

AND this is why these questions are vital at this time. We must stop hurting each other and believing we are better than anyone else. Only in discovering our true nature will we be kinder and more compassionate with ourselves and others.  We will start creating a world and life that is empowering, enriching and all encompassing.

Find your answers by sincerely searching and finding a spiritual/soulful practice that allows you to reach deep within where all truth lies.

I personally like meditation, energy healing and balancing and have used numerous other modalities to support me on my journey of deeper self discovery and my quest for enlightenment. (EFT, Emotion Code Healing, healing touch, BodynBrain, Brain education, energy readings, past life regression etc.)

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