Monday, April 26, 2021

FEAR..the new accessory????

 Fear has become the new fashionable accessory.

We wear it everywhere, we judge everyone through it and we allow our lives to be governed by it.

We cannot leave our homes, offices or workplaces without it. Take a moment to think about have allowed fear to override you liberties, your judgment and your choices. You have given away your personal power to fear. You have put in on like a favorite accessory. You are cloaking yourself with it like a winter coat.

You fear the people around you, you fear leaving the “security” of your house. When did we become so fearful of each other, of the differences in the world, of viruses and bacteria that not only make up our environment but that live within us? Should we not be curious about that which we do not know or understand. Does it not warrant more inspection, a closer look to understand and know that which you do not know? FEAR has paralyzed us from looking for our own answers and solutions to becoming followers of those who create and perpetuate the fear. It has made us fall or stay stuck in old perceptions and habits.

FEAR...this is why we cannot bring in more love, more light, more compassion, more understanding. There is no space for any of these life affirming emotions and qualities when you have occupied the space with fear.

And when we are wearing our favorite fashion accessory(fear) we are so easily controlled, manipulated and shamed into doing that which we would normally never do. We are so easily dominated and we can so easily blame others for our emotions.

It is time to let go of fear. Do what you need to to rise above this to embrace and wear a new energy. The energy of love, of oneness.  FEAR is just the lack of understanding, of the unknown, so go out and explore, ask questions, confront your fears so you can create a better life, a better world.

The larger your fear the smaller your world and the lower your energy and vitality, making you more susceptible to that which you fear in the first place.

CHOOSE another accessory to adorn your beautiful being and be the love and light you are meant to be. DO not let the world around you chose how you move through it. Be courageous.

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