Stop the fear Mongering and the bullying/peer pressure
Whatever I say after this is my personal opinion based on the information I have gathered and my education in health and wellbeing....
I am so over the fear mongering regarding COVID and all the mis-information being passed around. Do your own homework. Do not just listen to the media and the mainstream money mongers.
Think about this for a minute...if this was truly about health, wouldn’t “they” be promoting diet and supplementation to improve your Immune function, wouldn’t they be suggesting to those at risk to change a few things in their diet and lifestyle to aid in their health and wellbeing.
Has anyone mentioned Vitamin D3, Zinc, Magnesium or eating less processed crap and more Whole Foods....NOPE, I haven’t seen that anywhere.
Why are the Doctors and virologist that are delivering a different message of hope and health not mentioned or even going viral...Well, it's all about the money and true agenda of the powers that be. If you are in fear then you are easier to control and you will certainly then want the magic pill to take it all away.
Here are some cannot fast track a vaccine if there is a cure or "approved" alternatives available and even though there is research regarding IVERMECTIN, Hydroxychloroquine, to name a few, the FDA and BIG Pharma are not allowing that to surface, or any other alternative for that matter, as it effects their bottom line.
And now to cover their butts, they are mentioning booster shot requirements...Think about that???? More money for Big Pharma and more of the fearful being used as guinea pigs. And remember this too, It is not an FDA approved vaccine (should be called a biological injection and not a vaccine), it is merely approved for emergency use. There is NO recourse for those adversely affected by it.
I will attach a link to verify some of what I am mentioning (a trusted source)
Then, there is the peer pressure and bullying regarding the vaccine...when did it become ok for anyone to tell anyone else how to take care of their body and their health. Do you tell a stranger to have a pap smear or a prostate check. Do you decide for someone with cancer how they should treat it? NO! It is a VERY slippery slope once you allow the government to decide how to treat your body and your health, THINK ABOUT THAT! You give your body away, what do you have left?
Vaccines are very personal and I for one will not take advice from a celebrity....They know nothing about the biochemistry of the body, they are NOT virologists, they are just following what is popular and what their publicist thinks is a good do not want to alienate your audience...we have all seen how that works out for some public figures. Shaming someone for their opinion on getting or not getting the vaccine is another form of bullying @chelseahandler...a side note...make sure that all you put out into the world is in alignment with the person you chose to be. If you are for equality for all, then treat every individual with respect and that goes for their health choices too.
And as far as the medical profession (generalizing here) they have a standard of care and if the deviate from that they can lose their license or the medical insurance companies black list them. Talk about being pressured and bullied into compliance.
We talk about bullying to our children and peer pressure and how they need to tell someone if they are bullied and they must not succumb to peer pressure...make your own decisions is what they are told. AND YET, adults are bullying and peer pressuring people into vaccines, “the magic pill” for COVID, that we still have no long term studies on and that should be a very PERSONAL medical decision. The reverse here is also true.
There is NO magic pill for health. You MUST take responsibility for your own health and wellbeing, you cannot keep putting garbage into your body and expect it to function optimally when it is challenged by a virus or bacteria or any other type of toxin or pathogen.
AND STOP requiring people to have the vaccine if they want to be a part of your arrogant and short sighted is that...and certainly a decision based on FEAR not love!
If you can still get COVID even if you are vaccinated, why would you vaccinate in the first place and why would you demand that someone else follow your FEAR habit/pattern/choice and force them to chose between a procedure that they do not wish for, or you, this truly makes no sense to me.
How would you like it if someone forced you to do something you didn’t want in order to see or spend time with them....LET that sink in for a while. WTF, is happening to society???
Any health choice is personal...any medical procedure personal and private. STOP advertising your vaccine status...That is just another form of peer pressure and or bullying. (We know how social media affect teenagers and the insecure) Caring for yourself and making healthy life choices is what cares for others and the environment...The healthier you are body, mind and spirit the healthier your interactions with the world around you. If your body and mind is toxic, chances are so are you and how you interact in the world and the more susceptible you are to dis-ease. (Read that again!)
If you really cared about someone else’s health then you would promote a healthy diet and lifestyle for yourself and them. You wanting them to be vaccinated or wear a mask or stay six feet away is more about you being afraid then truly caring about their health...IF you are being brutally honest with yourself, you know I am speaking a truth here.
We need more love and connection in the world and less fear and bullying.
And for those who are unsure...bullying is when you FORCE your opinions and choices upon another. And absolute bullying is forcing your opinion and choice upon everyone by limiting their freedom of choice.
Are you going to live in fear and be a bully or are you choosing love and true health and wellbeing for the planet?
OK...enough of my soapbox and sharing my thoughts...I am sad for humanity and for the elderly and less informed that have been left in the cold and in fear by all these rules and regulations. That have lost the connection and love they need when they are most vulnerable.
I still believe what you chose to do with your body and your health is your decision.....NO one or no government or airline or public space should have the power to override that.
I am not anti-vax...I am PRO CHOICE
And if you are going to FORCE procedures on people, at least give them the true facts and agendas behind that decision. Help them make truly informed decisions...that is showing that you truly care and are truly concerned about the wellbeing of ALL!
Isn’t it a time for transparency and absolute honesty, not motivated by fear and money but by true love and concern for humanity and our beautiful earth?
Interesting piece on the effectiveness of facemasks for COVID-19 out of Medical Hypothesis, 146 (2021) 110411, "FaceMasks in the COVID-19 era: A Health Hypothesis". The research was done out of Cardiology Division, Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System/Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, United States.
"The existing scientific evidences challenge the safety and efficacy of wearing facemask as preventive intervention for COVID-19. The data suggest that both medical and non-medical facemasks are ineffective to block human-to-human transmission of viral and infectious disease such SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, supporting against the usage of facemasks.
Wearing facemasks has been demonstrated to have substantial adverse physiological and psychological effects. These include hypoxia, hyper- capnia, shortness of breath, increased acidity and toxicity, activation of fear and stress response, rise in stress hormones, immunosuppression, fatigue, headaches, decline in cognitive performance, predisposition for viral and infectious illnesses, chronic stress, anxiety and depression.
Long-term consequences of wearing facemask can cause health deterioration, developing and progression of chronic diseases and premature death. Governments, policy makers and health organizations should utilize proper and scientific evidence-based approach with respect to wearing facemasks, when the latter is considered as preventive intervention for public health”.
Here is the full article:
WOW...I am sorry, I did go on a bit of a rant when writing this. Guess I was just tired of all the lying and half truths and scare tactics on both sides of the fence.
BE Healthy, BE informed, BE your own best advocate...DEMAND transparency, truth and freedom of healthcare choices.
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