Monday, April 26, 2021

FEAR..the new accessory????

 Fear has become the new fashionable accessory.

We wear it everywhere, we judge everyone through it and we allow our lives to be governed by it.

We cannot leave our homes, offices or workplaces without it. Take a moment to think about have allowed fear to override you liberties, your judgment and your choices. You have given away your personal power to fear. You have put in on like a favorite accessory. You are cloaking yourself with it like a winter coat.

You fear the people around you, you fear leaving the “security” of your house. When did we become so fearful of each other, of the differences in the world, of viruses and bacteria that not only make up our environment but that live within us? Should we not be curious about that which we do not know or understand. Does it not warrant more inspection, a closer look to understand and know that which you do not know? FEAR has paralyzed us from looking for our own answers and solutions to becoming followers of those who create and perpetuate the fear. It has made us fall or stay stuck in old perceptions and habits.

FEAR...this is why we cannot bring in more love, more light, more compassion, more understanding. There is no space for any of these life affirming emotions and qualities when you have occupied the space with fear.

And when we are wearing our favorite fashion accessory(fear) we are so easily controlled, manipulated and shamed into doing that which we would normally never do. We are so easily dominated and we can so easily blame others for our emotions.

It is time to let go of fear. Do what you need to to rise above this to embrace and wear a new energy. The energy of love, of oneness.  FEAR is just the lack of understanding, of the unknown, so go out and explore, ask questions, confront your fears so you can create a better life, a better world.

The larger your fear the smaller your world and the lower your energy and vitality, making you more susceptible to that which you fear in the first place.

CHOOSE another accessory to adorn your beautiful being and be the love and light you are meant to be. DO not let the world around you chose how you move through it. Be courageous.

Monday, April 19, 2021


 Stop the fear Mongering and the bullying/peer pressure

Whatever I say after this is my personal opinion based on the information I have gathered and my education in health and wellbeing....

I am so over the fear mongering regarding COVID and all the mis-information being passed around. Do your own homework. Do not just listen to the media and the mainstream money mongers. 

Think about this for a minute...if this was truly about health, wouldn’t “they” be promoting diet and supplementation to improve your Immune function, wouldn’t they be suggesting to those at risk to change a few things in their diet and lifestyle to aid in their health and wellbeing. 

Has anyone mentioned Vitamin D3, Zinc, Magnesium or eating less processed crap and more Whole Foods....NOPE, I haven’t seen that anywhere.

Why are the Doctors and virologist that are delivering a different message of hope and health not mentioned or even going viral...Well, it's all about the money and true agenda of the powers that be. If you are in fear then you are easier to control and you will certainly then want the magic pill to take it all away.

Here are some cannot fast track a vaccine if there is a cure or "approved" alternatives available and even though there is research regarding IVERMECTIN, Hydroxychloroquine, to name a few, the FDA and BIG Pharma are not allowing that to surface, or any other alternative for that matter,  as it effects their bottom line.

And now to cover their butts, they are mentioning booster shot requirements...Think about that???? More money for Big Pharma and more of the fearful being used as guinea pigs. And remember this too, It is not an FDA approved vaccine (should be called a biological injection and not a vaccine), it is merely approved for emergency use. There is NO recourse for those adversely affected by it.

I will attach a link to verify some of what I am mentioning (a trusted source)

Then, there is the peer pressure and bullying regarding the vaccine...when did it become ok for anyone to tell anyone else how to take care of their body and their health. Do you tell a stranger to have a pap smear or a prostate check. Do you decide for someone with cancer how they should treat it? NO! It is a VERY slippery slope once you allow the government to decide how to treat your body and your health, THINK ABOUT THAT! You give your body away, what do you have left?

Vaccines are very personal and I for one will not take advice from a celebrity....They know nothing about the biochemistry of the body, they are NOT virologists, they are just following what is popular and what their publicist thinks is a good do not want to alienate your audience...we have all seen how that works out for some public figures. Shaming someone for their opinion on getting or not getting the vaccine is another form of bullying @chelseahandler...a side note...make sure that all you put out into the world is in alignment with the person you chose to be. If you are for equality for all, then treat every individual with respect and that goes for their health choices too.

And as far as the medical profession (generalizing here) they have a standard of care and if the deviate from that they can lose their license or the medical insurance companies black list them. Talk about being pressured and bullied into compliance.

We talk about bullying to our children and peer pressure and how they need to tell someone if they are bullied and they must not succumb to peer pressure...make your own decisions is what they are told. AND YET, adults are bullying and peer pressuring people into vaccines,  “the magic pill” for COVID,  that we still have no long term studies on and that should be a very PERSONAL medical decision.  The reverse here is also true.

There is NO magic pill for health. You MUST take responsibility for your own health and wellbeing, you cannot keep putting garbage into your body and expect it to function optimally when it is challenged by a virus or bacteria or any other type of toxin or pathogen.

AND STOP requiring people to have the vaccine if they want to be a part of your arrogant and short sighted is that...and certainly a decision based on FEAR not love!

If you can still get COVID even if you are vaccinated, why would you vaccinate in the first place and why would you demand that someone else follow your FEAR habit/pattern/choice and force them to chose between a procedure that they do not wish for, or you, this truly makes no sense to me. 

How would you like it if someone forced you to do something you didn’t want in order  to see or spend time with them....LET that sink in for a while. WTF, is happening to society???

Any health choice is personal...any medical procedure personal and private. STOP advertising your vaccine status...That is just another form of peer pressure and or bullying. (We know how social media affect teenagers and the insecure) Caring for yourself and making healthy life choices is what cares for others and the environment...The healthier you are body, mind and spirit the healthier your interactions with the world around you. If your body and mind is toxic, chances are so are you and how you interact in the world and the more susceptible you are to dis-ease. (Read that again!)

If you really cared about someone else’s health then you would promote a healthy diet and lifestyle for yourself and them. You wanting them to be vaccinated or wear a mask or stay six feet away is more about you being afraid then truly caring about their health...IF you are being brutally honest with yourself, you know I am speaking a truth here. 

We need more love and connection in the world and less fear and bullying. 

And for those who are unsure...bullying is when you FORCE your opinions and choices upon another. And absolute bullying is forcing your opinion and choice upon everyone by limiting their freedom of choice.

Are you going to live in fear and be a bully or are you choosing love and true health and wellbeing for the planet?

OK...enough of my soapbox and sharing my thoughts...I am sad for humanity and for the elderly and less informed that have been left in the cold and in fear by all these rules and regulations. That have lost the connection and love they need when they are most vulnerable.

I still believe what you chose to do with your body and your health is your decision.....NO one or no government or airline or public space should have the power to override that.

I am not anti-vax...I am PRO CHOICE

And if you are going to FORCE procedures on people, at least give them the true facts and agendas behind that decision. Help them make truly informed decisions...that is showing that you truly care and are truly concerned about the wellbeing of ALL!

Isn’t it a time for transparency and absolute honesty, not motivated by fear and money but by true love and concern for humanity and our beautiful earth?


Interesting piece on the effectiveness of facemasks for COVID-19 out of Medical Hypothesis, 146 (2021) 110411, "FaceMasks in the COVID-19 era: A Health Hypothesis".  The research was done out of Cardiology Division, Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System/Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, United States. 

"The existing scientific evidences challenge the safety and efficacy of wearing facemask as preventive intervention for COVID-19. The data suggest that both medical and non-medical facemasks are ineffective to block human-to-human transmission of viral and infectious disease such SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, supporting against the usage of facemasks. 

Wearing facemasks has been demonstrated to have substantial adverse physiological and psychological effects. These include hypoxia, hyper- capnia, shortness of breath, increased acidity and toxicity, activation of fear and stress response, rise in stress hormones, immunosuppression, fatigue, headaches, decline in cognitive performance, predisposition for viral and infectious illnesses, chronic stress, anxiety and depression. 

Long-term consequences of wearing facemask can cause health deterioration, developing and progression of chronic diseases and premature death. Governments, policy makers and health organizations should utilize proper and scientific evidence-based approach with respect to wearing facemasks, when the latter is considered as preventive intervention for public health”.

Here is the full article:

WOW...I am sorry, I did go on a bit of a rant when writing this. Guess I was just tired of all the lying and half truths and scare tactics on both sides of the fence. 

BE Healthy, BE informed, BE your own best advocate...DEMAND transparency, truth and freedom of healthcare choices.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Spring, a full moon and life

Spring is a time of renewal and planting new seeds for growth. We must also clear out the old and this includes outdated belief systems, thoughts and habits.

We plant new ideas and habits to watch them grow and expand over the spring season to flourish during summer. How do you wish to shift, change, improve and expand your life and consciousness? What hard work and energy can you expend now, to benefit from later? This is the time to get deeply detailed on what your goals are and to focus your attention and energy towards these goals.

Our March full moon or "worm Moon" as it is also called has a spiritual meaning of optimism, hope, and new beginnings. The full moon is a good time to journal...It helps to slow you down and to observe your current situation and be totally present in the moment. It also helps you to gather your thoughts, reflect on your past and how far you have come and where you would like to go. Reflect on what you can change and how and write down a brief plan of what steps/actions you can take to help you get here.

Here are some of the small things I do every day to help me stay on track with the goals that I have set for myself...

  • Keep a journal.
  • Stop and dance.
  • Ask for feedback.
  • Strengthen muscles/ exercise
  • Start each day with a positive message.
  • Do good deeds.
  • walk/bathe in Nature.
  • smile.

What things do you do to stay energized, motivated, and present so you can make the most of the time you have?

Take this time to reflect and plan for the life you wish to create.


The Gut's role in Viral Immunity


The gut’s role in viral immunity 


An individual patient’s immune response to infection is closely linked to their gut health. Patients with healthy gut microbiomes tend to have an immune system that responds quickly and appropriately to viral attacks. An unhealthy gut is linked to immune activation, mild chronic inflammation, and greater susceptibility to viral infection and more severe illness. During a long viral pandemic, helping patients restore or maintain a healthy gut microbiome and a healthy immune system has never been more consequential.

The Gut-Immune Link

The crosstalk between the gut microbiota and the immune system is constant—and central to mounting an effective immune defense. Between 70 and 80 percent of all immune cells are found in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) surrounding the intestines. When the GALT is compromised, the entire immune system is weakened.

The intestinal immune system can distinguish between the wide and ever-changing range of harmless microbes within the gut and pathogens. This constant, delicate immune homeostasis is disrupted when antibiotics, poor diet, lack of exercise, and other harmful factors such as environmental toxins alter the gut bacteria's balance, causing dysbiosis.

In dysbiosis, the GALT is continuously stimulated to produce immune cells and inflammatory response. When dysbiosis continues, the gut epithelial barrier can become permeable—the patient now has a leaky gut syndrome. Bacteria, bacterial metabolic and breakdown byproducts, and large undigested food particles can escape the gut and enter the circulation through tight junctions that open too widely. The result is further immune activation as well as localized and systemic inflammation, usually along with other dysbiosis symptoms such as gas, bloating, diarrhea, and brain fog.

The LPS Effect

The triggering factor for systemic inflammation from increased gut permeability often begins with lipopolysaccharides (LPS) endotoxin from bacteria. An endotoxin is a complex lipopolysaccharide (LPS) found in the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria such as E. coli and H. pylori. About 65 percent or more of the bacteria in the gut are gram-negative. As some of these bacteria are dying off at any given time, small amounts of LPS are constantly being released.

The gut produces enzymes that neutralize the endotoxin, and any amount of LPS that escapes is easily handled by the immune system. In dysbiosis, however, the gut may have more LPS-producing bacteria than it can handle. If the dysbiosis causes the gut barrier to become permeable, LPS can leak through and trigger endotoxemia, or inflammation throughout the body. Studies also show that LPS damages the blood-brain barrier by making it more permeable.

Leaky gut syndrome and dysbiosis can lead to endotoxemia, but they’re not the only causes. A diet high in saturated fat can kill off gram-negative bacteria, which causes the release of excess LPS into the gut. If the gut barrier is permeable, as it may be from a diet high in bad fats and processed foods, LPS can get through and enter the circulation.

Endotoxemia does its damage by triggering the pro-inflammatory protein complex NLRP3. Activation starts when the LPS component of gram-negative bacteria is detected by Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) in the cell membrane, which activates the transcription factors IRF1 and NF-κB.

IRF1 drives the NLRP3 complex to release the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin 1-beta (IL-1β). This inflammatory pathway may be behind a wide range of chronic diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease and type 2 diabetes.

The transcription factor NF-κB is activated by LPS and other harmful stimuli, such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα) and IL-6. Once activated, NF-κB enters the cell nucleus. There, it upregulates the genes that tell the immune system’s T cells to get active. It also controls many of the genes involved in inflammation. High levels of NF-κB are associated with chronic inflammatory diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease, atherosclerosis, and gastritis.

The Viral Link

Modern life puts many adults into a constant state of dysbiosis and low-grade chronic inflammation from immune system activation. Obesity, chronic illness, a poor diet low in fiber and high in sugar, bad fats, processed foods, and a lack of physical activity all promote dysbiosis and gut permeability.

On top of a lifetime of these pro-inflammatory factors, older adults often have an additional source of low-grade chronic inflammation known as “inflammaging.” Among the causes of inflammaging may be a decrease in the overall variety of bacterial species in the gut microbiome, along with an increase in pro-inflammatory species. The dysbiosis this causes leads to greater gut permeability and more immune activation in older adults and adds to any preexisting inflammation from obesity, chronic illness, and lifestyle.

In the current novel coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic, the patients who have experienced the most severe disease and mortality are generally older, or have chronic illnesses, or are obese—or all three. In other words, the sickest patients are also the ones that are the most likely to have already elevated markers of inflammation from disturbances of the gut microbiome/immune system link before they become ill. COVID-19 is associated with increased levels of inflammatory cytokine and chemokine markers such as IL-2, IL-6, IL-7, IL-10, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), and C-reactive protein. When added to preexisting inflammation, the COVID-19 inflammatory response may lead to a cytokine storm and cytokine release syndrome, which is associated with severe illness and high mortality.

Patients who have recovered from the worst of COVID-19 may still have ongoing dysbiosis, ongoing immune activation, and ongoing inflammation. A recent study published in the journal Gut of hospitalized COVID-19 patients after viral clearance showed significant alterations in their gut microbiomes compared to non-COVID-19 individuals. The COVID-19 patients also showed elevated concentrations of inflammatory cytokines and blood markers that corresponded to disease severity.

“Associations between gut microbiota composition, levels of cytokines, and inflammatory markers in patients with COVID-19 suggest that the gut microbiome is involved in the magnitude of COVID-19 severity, possibly via modulating host immune responses,” the authors concluded. “Furthermore, after disease resolution, gut microbiota dysbiosis could contribute to persistent symptoms, highlighting a need to understand how gut microorganisms are involved in inflammation and COVID-19.”

When their major symptoms have resolved, the disrupted gut/immune crosstalk may still be causing inflammation and lingering “long COVID-19” symptoms, such as fatigue and joint pain. Looking upstream and treating leaky gut syndrome and gut dysbiosis may help resolve these symptoms.

An Integrative Approach

COVID-19 will likely be with us for a long time, even when cases have dropped below epidemic level. A key step to prevention, both now and in the future, will be recognizing and treating dysbiosis and leaky gut syndrome and restoring normal active immunity.

This is particularly important for vulnerable patients, the elderly and those with obesity or chronic illness. Now more than ever, all patients should be encouraged to improve their gut microbiome through a better diet, more exercise, and the use of prebiotic and probiotic supplements to promote a healthy diversity of gut bacteria.


  • d’Hennezel, E., Abubucker, S., Murphy, L., and Cullen, T. (2017) Total Lipopolysaccharide from the Human Gut Microbiome Silences Toll-Like Receptor Signaling. Host-Microbe Biology. Retrieved from:
  • Hirano, T. and Murakami, M. (2020) COVID-19 A New Virus, but a Familiar Receptor and Cytokine Release Syndrome. Immunity. Retrieved from:
  • Hooper, L.V., Littman, D.R., Macpherson, and A.J. (2012) Interactions between the microbiota and the immune system. Science. Retrieved from:
  • Levy, M., Kolodziejczyk, A., and Thaiss, C. (2017) Dysbiosis and the immune system. Nature Reviews Immunology. Retrieved from:
  • Toor, D., Wsson, M.K., and Kumar, P. (2019) Dysbiosis Disrupts Gut Immune Homeostasis and Promotes Gastric Diseases. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Retrieved from:  
  • Yeoh, Y.K., Zuo, T., Lui, G.C., Zhang, F., Liu, Q., Li, A.Y., Chung, A.C., Cheung, C.P., Tso, E.Y., Fung, K.S., Chan, V., Ling, L., Joynt, G., Hui, D.S., Chow, K.M., Ng, S.S.S., Li, T.C., Ng, R.W., Yip, T.C., Wong, G.L., Chan, F.K., Wong, C.K., Chan, P.K., Ng, S.C. Gut microbiota composition reflects disease severity and dysfunctional immune responses in patients with COVID-19. Gut. Retrieved from:

About the Author: 


Robert Silverman is a chiropractic doctor, clinical nutritionist, international speaker, author of bestseller Inside-Out Health, and founder and CEO of Westchester Integrative Health Center. He graduated magna cum laude from the University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic and has a master’s degree in human nutrition. The ACA Sports Council named Silverman Sports Chiropractor of the Year in 2015. Silverman is on the advisory board for the Functional Medicine University and is a seasoned health and wellness expert on both the speaking circuits and the media. A frequently published author in peer-reviewed journals and other mainstream publications, Silverman is a thought leader in his field and practice. Silverman was the principal investigator on a Level 1 laser U.S. Food and Drug Administration study. Silverman’s new book, Superhighway to Health, is expected to be published in June 2021.

Brain Aging and Magnesium L-Threonate



Magnesium L-Threonate and Brain Aging

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers discovered and patented magnesium L-threonate based on its unique ability to boost brain levels of magnesium. Rapid absorption and the ability to enter the brain enables this magnesium to structurally reverse certain aspects of brain aging.(1-4) 

A 2016 human study published in the J Alzheimers Dis. 2016;49(4):971-90, demonstrated the benefits of magnesium L-threonate in adults with cognitive dysfunction, sleep disorders, and anxiety.(1)

The most startling finding is a reversal of more than nine years in clinical measures of brain aging in people who supplemented with magnesium L-threonate. 

Magnesium L-threonate is special because of the way it boosts brain magnesium levels when taken orally. This effect is due to its unique ability to cross the blood-brain barrier.(2)

Research has shown that once magnesium L-threonate gets into the brain, it increases the density of synapses, which are the communication connections between brain cells.(1) This is critical because loss of synaptic density is associated with brain shrinkage and cognitive decline.(5,6)

Published Human Data:

Scientists at three independent institutions carried out a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of magnesium L-threonate in older adults with cognitive impairment.(1)

To participate in the study, candidates had to be between the ages of 50 and 70, and have self-reported complaints of memory problems, sleep disorders, and anxiety.(1) This study was based on the premise that sleep and anxiety disorders correlate with perceived memory loss.(7) Those who report mild cognitive impairment and who also have sleep and anxiety disorders are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s.(1,8-11)

In this multi-center study, participants were randomly assigned to receive placebo or magnesium L-threonate in the dose of 1,500-2,000 mg. each day (depending on body weight) for 12 weeks. Baseline cognitive testing commenced before people started taking magnesium L-threonate or placebo. These cognitive tests were then repeated at six-week and 12-week points.(1)

The following four separate tests were used to evaluate cognitive function:

  • Executive function

  • Working memory

  • Attention

  • Episodic memory (ability to recall fleeting events)

Findings from this study revealed:

  1. Magnesium L-threonate improved body magnesium status. After 12 weeks researchers found significant increases in red blood-cell concentration and in urinary excretion of magnesium in the treated group.(1) Increased urinary excretion indicates that large amounts of magnesium have been absorbed, while increased levels in red blood cells show high circulating levels of magnesium in the body.

  2. Magnesium L-threonate improved cognitive abilities. Using a test of visual attention and task switching, researchers saw significant increases in performance speed for executive function and cognitive processing. These benefits appeared as early as week six on some of the tests.(1) Most tellingly, the overall composite scores for all tests of the magnesium L-threonate-supplemented group increased significantly compared with baseline scores and with those of placebo recipients at weeks six and 12.

  3. Magnesium L-threonate reduced fluctuation in cognitive ability. When cognitive functions are worse on some days than others, it is a warning sign of developing mild cognitive impairment.(12,13) In the present study, while placebo recipients showed considerable fluctuation in their cognitive scores, those in the magnesium L-threonate group had primarily positive changes.(1)

  4. Magnesium L-threonate reversed clinical measures of brain aging. This is a significant finding, which which is explained in more detail in the next section.

Understanding Your Brain Age

Brains do not functionally age at the same rate as whole-body chronological age. For example, a 60-year-old person can have a brain age of 70, meaning they are functioning at an “older” level.(1)

This variance of brain aging is based on measurable performance and physiological parameters.(14-17) In the magnesium L-threonate study, the average chronological age of all subjects in the study was 57.8 years. Their average baseline “functional” brain age, however, was estimated to be 68.3 years. In other words, the study subjects were about 10 years older in terms of their cognitive function.(1)

What the researchers found next was remarkable.

The average functional brain age of subjects receiving magnesium L-threonate supplements decreased from an older 69.6 years at the start of the study, to 60.6 after just six weeks of treatment. That’s a nine-year reduction in brain age in a matter of weeks.(1) This improvement continued until week 12 with total reduction in brain age of 9.4 years. By the end of the study, cognitive abilities were brought almost back to normal for their younger chronological age in subjects who took magnesium L-threonate.

In other words, magnesium L-threonate treatment was found to reverse these measured aspects of brain aging until it was nearly identical to their cognitively healthy peers.(1)

Overall, the results of this clinical trial are potentially game-changing for the aging population. The study found that magnesium L-threonate significantly improved cognitive performance on several standardized tests, while reducing the fluctuations in performance that are a warning of developing cognitive impairment in the future. It also showed a reversal of the brain age of magnesium L-threonate-supplemented subjects by nearly a decade.

How Magnesium L-Threonate Regenerates Aging Brains

The study detailed above shows that magnesium L-threonate improved cognitive function in aging adults, and helped “rejuvenate” their brains towards normal function for their age. The key takeaway of this study is that achieving higher brain levels of magnesium results in a younger brain.

Omega-3 fatty Acids and health as per National Health Institute....

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Health:

According to a recent (March 26, 2021) National Institutes of Health Omega-3 Fatty Acids Fact Sheet for Health Professionals…  

"The potential health benefits of consuming omega-3s are the focus of a great deal of scientific research. By far, the majority of research has focused on EPA and DHA from foods (e.g., fish) and/or dietary supplements (e.g., fish oil) as opposed to ALA from plant-based foods. Many observational studies link higher intakes of fish and other seafood with improved health outcomes." 

The health conditions the National Institutes of Health Omega-3 Fatty Acids Fact Sheet for Health Professionals listed as benefited by healthy levels of the omega-3 fatty acids are as follows:

  • Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and CVD risk factors
  • Infant health and neurodevelopment
  • Cancer prevention
  • Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and cognitive function
  • Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
  • Dry eye disease
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Depression
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Childhood Allergies
  • Cystic Fibrosis

From the Omega-3 Calculator Website:

  • Up to 3,000 mg per day of EPA and DHA is considered safe and is set as the upper limit in the calculator. We recommend you retest after 3-4 months to see if your diet changes are working for you. Please consult your healthcare provider before making any major changes to your diet


  • Bob has an Omega-3 Index of 4%, doesn’t eat fish and sometimes takes a multivitamin. The Omega-3 Index Calculator estimates that he should aim to take 2200 mg per day of EPA and DHA from a standard omega-3 supplement. If he finds a phospholipid or triglyceride-based supplement, he should aim for only 1400 mg per day.
  • Susan has an Omega-3 Index of 6%, and she eats fish once per week and takes around 600 mg per day of EPA and DHA in a standard fish oil supplement. The Omega-3 Index Calculator estimates that she should try to reach 1800 mg per day of EPA and DHA. She could add another serving of fish to her weekly meals in addition to increasing her supplemental intake to 1800 mg of EPA and DHA per day. She could also try to find a triglyceride-base supplement and aim for 1300 mg of EPA and DHA per day.

Omega-3 / Omega-6 Fatty Acids Ratio and Health:

Some researchers propose that the relative intakes of omega-6s and omega-3s—the omega-6/omega-3 ratio—may have important implications for the pathogenesis of many chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. 

Reference: Simopoulos AP. The importance of the omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid ratio in cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases. Exp Biol Med 2008;233:674-88. 

Vitamin D and Health:

According to a recent (March 26, 2021) National Institutes of Health Vitamin D Fact Sheet for Health Professionals…  

Vitamin D (also referred to as “calciferol”) is a fat-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in a few foods, added to others, and available as a dietary supplement. It is also produced endogenously when ultraviolet (UV) rays from sunlight strike the skin and trigger vitamin D synthesis.

The health conditions the National Institutes of Health Omega-3 Fatty Acids Fact Sheet for Health Professionals listed as benefited by healthy levels of the Vitamin D are as follows:

  • Bone Health and Osteoporosis
  • Muscle Function 
  • Muscle Cramps and Spasms 
  • Reduction of inflammation
  • Healthy modulation of such processes as cell growth, neuromuscular and immune function, and glucose metabolism (Type 2 Diabetes)
  • Healthy regulation cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis 
  • Lower Risk of Depression
  • Lower Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
  • Lower Risk of Cancer (Breast Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Lung Cancer, Prostate Cancer
  • Lower Risk of and management of Multiple Sclerosis 
  • Supports Weight Loss

From the Vitamin D Calculator website:

  • Up to 4,000 IU per day of supplemental Vitamin D is considered safe and is set as the upper limit in this calculator. The calculation is only valid for body weights up to 125 kg (275 lbs). Due to the seasonal effect on Vitamin D blood levels, we also suggest testing once per season to adjust your supplementation. Please consult your healthcare provider before making changes to your diet or supplementation regimen.
  • A person weighing 150 lbs with a Vitamin D blood level of 15 ng/mL and current intake of 1000 IU/day would need to increase their total intake to more than 2800 IU/day to achieve a blood level of 30 ng/mL.
  • A person with the same current and target blood level and intake, but who weighs more, like 200 lbs for example, would need a dose of at least 3400 IU/day.
  • The Upper Limit of supplemental Vitamin D intake set by the Institute of Medicine is 4000 IU/day. Learn more >
    It is possible to take a higher dose, like 5000 IU, every other day to achieve an average daily dose of 2500 IU/day.
    Loading doses or very high doses of Vitamin D taken every week or two have also been shown to be safe and effective at raising Vitamin D levels.
    To determine the loading dose recommended by the calculator, multiply the daily dose by the number of days between doses. For example, a daily dose of 2000 IU/d would equal taking 28,000 IU every 2 weeks (2,000 IU/day x 14 days). Please consult with your healthcare provider before using loading doses as your regimen.
  • Please contact our office @ Natural Health Haven LLC to get your simple Omegaquant blood spot test for Omega 3 fatty acids or your vitamin D levels.