Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Having Plants can Help prevent Colds


Having Plants Can Help Prevent Colds

Medscape Staff

May 04, 2023


Plants don't just clean air; they may protect us from colds, COVID, and other viral and bacterial diseases, according to researchers at the University of Victoria.

What to Know 

  • There's evidence that filling a home or office with plants could help protect against a wide range of bacterial and viral infections, and they cleanse the air through a natural filtration system.

  • Plants produce hydrogen peroxide during photosynthesis, which is released into the atmosphere and neutralizes viruses by safely disinfecting the air.

  • Hydrogen peroxide is a caustic substance used for disinfecting surfaces and for bleaching hair. It is spontaneously formed by plants in microscopic droplets of water in tiny amounts that are harmless to humans.

  • Hydrogen production produced by plants may have possibilities as a viable nature-based solution for air filtration systems to help cleanse air indoors, and it can also improve the quality of air in high-density cities or regions and rural regions affected by forest fires.

  • The findings have potential major implications for the role of plant-mediated atmospheric cleansing, climate change, and urban and indoor air quality, in addition to reducing the damaging effects of planet-warming greenhouse gases, such as methane, carbon monoxide, and nitrous oxide in the atmosphere.

This is a summary of the article, "Spontaneous Generation of Exogenous Hydrogen Peroxide by Plants," which was published on March 20, 2023. The full study can be found on assets.researchgate.com.

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