Thursday, June 23, 2022

The Universe gives us signs...

the Universe gives us all signs and this piece speaks to that and brought tears to my eyes as it touched a truth deep inside me. I hope you get something from this too..

What if this is the moment that your life changes?

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Belonging to life and opening to it's fullness

I recommend reading the book by Tara Brach and also love this reference in the book about fullness and belonging 

Remember we are NO-THING and all is affected by the attention and focus we place upon it.

Allow life to live through you. Enjoy every breath and every emotion as it flows in and through you.

Enjoy the following it often and allow the energy of it to flow through you, too enhance your experiences and open your mind.

Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach, PH.D

Our intrinsic belonging to this world…we are No-THING…not limited to any passive experience

and everything belonging to the whole.

In Roger Keyes’s poem “hokusai says”

THE TEACHINGS OF A WISE JAPANESE ARTIST REMIND us of our belonging to life and of our capacity to open to its fullness.

Hokusai says – Poem by Roger Keyes

Hokusai says look carefully. 

He says pay attention, notice.

He says keep looking, stay curious.

He says there is no end to seeing.

He says look forward to getting old.

He says keep changing, you just get more who you really are.

He says get stuck, accept it, repeat yourself as long as it’s interesting.

He says keep doing what you love.

He says keep praying.

He says every one of us is a child, every one of us is ancient, every one of us has a body.

He says every one of us is frightened. 

He says every one of us has to find a way to live with fear.

He says everything is alive –shells, buildings, people, fish, mountains, trees.

Wood is alive.

Water is alive.

Everything has its own life.

Everything lives inside us.

He says live with the world inside you.

He says it doesn’t matter if you draw, or write books. 

It doesn’t matter if you saw wood, or catch fish.

It doesn’t matter if you sit at home and stare at the ants on your veranda

or the shadows of the trees and grasses in your garden.

It matters that you care.

It matters that you feel.

It matters that you notice.

It matters that life lives through you.

Contentment is life living through you.

Joy is life living through you.

Satisfaction and strength is life living through you.

Peace is life living through you.

He says don’t be afraid.

Don’t be afraid.

Look, feel, let life take you by the hand.

Let life live through you

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Are we limiting ourselves?

 I had an interesting discussion this morning which led me to think about the ways we limit our experiences and life by what we attach to.

We get attached to certain ideas and belief systems and when those are challenged we tend to resist. and block the chance to experience a shift in our energy and perception. Through our ego/pain body we experience life in a distorted manner.

I see this is many things, like meditation. We may have pre-conceived ideas of what meditation is and therefore feel like we never get it right or that we can't or don't know how to meditate. Anytime you are just riding the waves of thoughts and feelings and not attaching or going down the rabbit hole with any of it, you are experiencing a form of meditation. That is why a long walk in the woods or on the beach or a nice bicycle ride leaves you feeling energized and or relaxed.

With our thoughts and ideas about how things should be, we limit experiencing how things actually are and we may even block ourselves from 'seeing' clearly.

How are you limiting yourself and your experiences and your true expression? 

I invite you to take some time to explore this.