Monday, January 7, 2019

What are you afraid to discover?

I hear many excuses when it comes to meditation or some sort of mindful practice, like the lack of time or not knowing how to meditate etc.

Mindful practices are designed to assist us in discovering our true nature and also opens the door to discovering our deepest thoughts and desires. It could point to all the aspects of our life that we may be blind to and this may be why some of us avoid it or make up excuses as to why it is not do-able.

The following excerpt sheds some possible light on the matter....

"It might be useful to ask yourself why you would put off something so beneficial to your peace of mind and general well-being. There may be fear that if you were to stop your frantic pace, your world might fall apart, and then you would have to face the undeniable reality of who you really are and the results of the choices you have made. You might be afraid that you will be forced to make huge changes in order to align yourself with the universe and harness your true potential. Sometimes the frustrations of the known world seem less scary than the possibilities of the unknown. But the truth is that when we cooperate with the universe by creating our lives from the truth of our being, life becomes less of a struggle and more of a process of living blissfully on purpose." 

(excerpt from Madison Taylors Afraid to meditate)

Think about this and why you are making the choices you are currently making. Are they empowering you and helping you life a life of purpose or not?

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