Monday, January 7, 2019

Vital Information about vitamin K and the differences in K2, K3 and K1

Vitamin K2 goes beyond blood clotting.....

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin most well known for the important role it plays in blood clotting. However, many do not realize that there are different kinds of vitamin K, and they are completely different.

The health benefits of vitamin K2 go far beyond blood clotting, which is done by vitamin K1, and vitamin K2 also works synergistically with a number of other nutrients, including calcium and vitamin D.

The reason for the addition of specifically vitamin K2 to our (Metagenics D3 with K2)  D3 formula is that vitamin K2 is necessary to activate the body's K2-dependent proteins which are responsible for "shuttling" the calcium where it needs to be, and removing it from the places where it shouldn’t.

NOTE: It should also be noted that there is no toxicity / overdosing worry with vitamin K2... "The reason why K2 doesn't have potential toxic effect is that all vitamin K2 does is activate K2 proteins. It will activate all the K2 proteins it finds. And if they're all activated and you take extra K2, it simply won't do that."...  

There are three types of vitamin K:

1. Vitamin K1, or phylloquinone, is found naturally in plants, especially green vegetables; K1 goes directly to your liver and (primarily) helps you maintain healthy blood clotting

2. Vitamin K2, also called menaquinone, is made by the bacteria that line your gastrointestinal tract; K2 goes straight to your blood vessel walls, bones, and tissues other than your liver

3. Vitamin K3, or menadione, is a synthetic form, not recommended; it's important to note that toxicity has occurred in infants injected with this synthetic vitamin K3

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