Monday, May 12, 2014

Nature and nurture...

What a beautiful day and such a gift to be able to sit outside on our patio, surrounded by trees and nature. Listening to her sounds brings me such peace. I close my eyes and feel the moist coolness in the air. The birds are all singing their own unique version of joy.  So many different birds chattering that it astounds me and brings pure music to my ears.

The plants have all sprung up overnight as I am sure they were just buds yesterday when I took a walk in the garden. They have opened up as if reaching to allow the rain to kiss their faces and bring more life. Birth and growth and joy all around.
The air freshly washed by the soft and gentle rain. It's almost as if one can smell the life that is springing up all over. The budding of leaves, blossoms and ideas.

Peaceful, quiet, with just the sound of nature all around. I breathe it all in.

It feels, sounds and smells uplifting and rejuvenating and it is in this moment that I am aware, and fully understand how important and energizing it is to slow down long enough to listen and feel the rhythm and flow of the world around me. To remind me of our connection to all and to appreciate and respect the beauty of that and the gift of life.

It is the giving and receiving of energy and love. I love and appreciate the beauty of the world around me and in turn the energy that flows back nourishes me, gives me more life and keeps me balanced and healthier.

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