There are many schools of thought that suggest springtime is the best time to detoxify, but anytime you feel the need or are facing health challenges, is a good time to detox.
There are almost as many detox diets and plans out there as there are toxins. (ok, slight exaggeration but you get my point) It is best to make an informed decision when looking for a good detoxification plan, so do your homework or consult a health professional. The more toxic you are, the more important it is to seek advice from a health professional. It is equally important to use the correct detoxification nutrients so that you do not impair your body's detoxification pathways any further.
We are inundated with toxins from the day we are born. In actual fact, we are born toxic. Scientist are now finding 204 different chemicals in the umbilical cord. Most environmental toxins are fat soluble, so basically the more fat you carry, the more toxic you are, due to storing them in our fat cells. We are all toxic wastedumps and are poisoned by these toxins before we are even born.
All toxins affect the mitochondria, I'll say it again...ALL toxins affect the mitochondria. What does the mitochondria do? The mitochondria are responsible for your energy production and one cannot live without them. They make your life worth living.
The mitochondria also control apoptosis which means getting rid of bad cells.
Apoptosis: - the process of programmed cell death. Between 50-70 billion cells die each day due to apoptosis in the average human adult. Defective apoptotic processes have been implicated in a variety of diseases. Excessive apoptosis causes atrophy, whereas an insufficient amount results in uncontrolled cell proliferation, such as cancer and auto immunity.
If you eat foods that are sprayed with chemicals and/or processed foods, you are poisoning your mitochondria, (as toxins are the biggest negative to mitochondria and inhibit mitochondrial function), thereby setting yourself up for low energy, cancer and autoimmunity, to mention just a few. Pesticides and herbicides started in the 1940's and 50's and has increased dramatically since then, as has cancer and autoimmunity. If this is not proof enough that we all need to detox, then I don't know what is. And then there is our diet...
It is factual and interesting that 1/3 of the calories ingested in the US are pure junk.
Nutrition is the foundation of life, so eating healthy, clean food and water is essential for good health and quality of life. Clinical nutrition is using natural substances to optimize health and function. At Natural Health Haven we use clinical nutrition to assist in all our detoxification plans.
Everyone is toxic and we all want more energy, therefore detoxification is the universal starting point for most people in pursuit of better health.
How do you get toxins out of your body? Well, first you must stop putting more in with what you ingest and use on your body. This includes what you ingest through your eyes, ears, thoughts, and feelings. It is important to know that the liver converts fat soluble toxins to water soluble toxins so that your body can flush it out, so optimal liver function is essential during detoxification.
Medial foods and green organic vegetables are a great way to assist your body in a healthy, effective detox. Green is good and one can never get too much of it.
Products obtain medical food status from the FDA when they have met the following criteria:
- Guaranteed potency - What it says on the label is in the product.
- Guaranteed purity. - No contaminants, microbials or heavy metals
- Proven effective in human clinical trials. - Actually went through a trail study on human beings
- Low allergy potential
It is important to ensure that your detox supplements meet the criteria of medical foods and up- regulate liver detoxification as proven in human clinical trials. That is why I use Metagenics Medical foods and supplements when I recommend detoxification plans to my clients and when I personally detoxify.
You can detoxify too fast and these are the symptoms of chronic poisoning as per the Journal of Clinical Chemistry 1996
- Fatigue
- Sleep disturbances
- Intestinal distress
- Allergies
- Headaches
- Confusion
- Anxiety
When detoxifying too fast one must decrease the amount of Medical foods and increase the detox adaptogens. Some detox adaptogens such as pomegranate, watercress and elagic acid, modulate the detoxification process in a balanced way and they are all found in the best product on the market for this called ADVACLEAR. There really is not another product on the market that is as good or does as good a job. (my opinion)
When using ADVACLEAR you help the body balance detoxification.
There are currently 90 000 registered toxic substances. Remember all drugs are pro-aging and inhibit mitochondria.
The 'solution to pollution is dilution', so drinking plenty of water during a detox is crucial.
Saunas, steam-rooms, coffee enemas, colonics and lymphatic massages are of great benefit during a detox.
In my office one can do an Intense 7 day detox, 10 day detox or 28 day detox programs. It is important to realize that emotional detoxification will also occur during a detox. Seeing someone to assist with your emotional detox can be very helpful to ensure that you do not re-toxify on the emotional level.
A good and effective detoxification program ensures that your detox pathways are equipped and functioning properly to help you to continue to do so if you maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle.
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