When listening to motivational speakers including Tony Robbins, the common theme is mastering our emotions and healing childhood traumas. There is also a lot of research linking our emotions and its impact on our physiology, which impacts our overall health. Our emotions and beliefs also impact our epigenetics whichs impact how our genes express themselves. (positively or negatively)
Our emotions impacts how we navigate life. Basically how you feel about things and situations creates the beliefs you form and these beliefs also form habits. Habitual behavior, for example: You feel inadequate (sometimes this is a deeply ingrained and sometimes hidden emotion) When you are challenged during interactions about your ability at work or personally, you may become very defensive. You may be seen as aggressive, temperamental or on the other side of that emotional belief, you may never voice your opinion or truths in fear of being "found out" or focused on.
What happens to us as children creates pain/emotions within us and then we make it mean something, which creates a belief system within us and we live the rest of our lives as if this lie we have come to believe (the meaning you attached at time of emotional hurt) is true and it truly impact all aspects of our journey, until we recognize and deal with that internal and initial wound/pain/emotion.
How do we find these underlying beliefs and their emotions? We ask many questions by checking in with our bodies. Our body never lies. The tension and pain in the body signifies blockages. If you are doing all the right things and you are still not healing, you may wish to consider the possibility of an emotional connection.
There are many different outcomes from the traumas we experience as children and young adults and addictions (food, alcohol, drugs, exercise etc.) are usually related to that.
Gabor Maté CM (born January 6, 1944) is a Hungarian-born Canadian physician. He has a background in family practice and a special interest in childhood development and trauma, and in their potential lifelong impacts on physical and mental health, including on autoimmune disease, cancer, ADHD, addictions, and a wide range of other conditions.
Now retired from clinical practice, he travels and speaks extensively on these and related topics, both in North America and abroad. His books have been published internationally in over twenty-five languages. Maté's approach to addiction focuses on the trauma his patients have suffered and looks to address this in their recovery, with special regard to indigenous populations around the world.
How childhood trauma leads to addiction
It is certainly one of my passions to work with clearing some of these traumas through Energy Medicine, so that people can experience the fullness of life and the love that resides deep within us all.
And I feel privileged to be able to serve in such a manner. I have had so much help in my life through energy medicine and healing modalities. I come from a very abusive and traumatic childhood. This has helped me cultivate a deeper understanding and compassion in life.
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