Monday, November 18, 2019

Your who, why, what and how....and what I learned this week

Your who, why, what and how. 

The universe is honest and uncompromising. 
Who am I? Why am I here? What do I want and how can I serve? 
These are the fundamental questions we are here to answer for ourselves. 
To live a fuller and healthier and more purposeful life, one must find the answers to these questions first. 

...And back to the honest and uncompromising universe. It gives and shows you exactly what your energy and you show. Don’t like what you see I or are attracting /experiencing, look inside. Step out of your ego, your body and your emotions and observe yourself, honestly! 
Who am I being right now? Where is my focus? 

What I learned this last week or two is that one must master our brain. This takes practice and almost certainly
discomfort,  pain and lots and lots of discipline.  Self pity creeps in and so does slipping into victim mode. The key is to witness yourself as you cycle through your thoughts, emotions and the sensations in your body. If you honestly and persistently do this, without any judgement about any of it, you learn and discover so much about yourself on so many levels. Discovery and awareness allows you to change, once you let go of your attachments. ( and attachment is another whole subject) The universe is your mirror and so is everyone and everything contained within it. 

I also learned that I know nothing and that I have a long, long way to go and I have an ego that I allow to run things more often than not. Did I mention I have a long way to go. 

I know who I am and have even experienced this knowing deep in my being. Do I always operate from this knowingness....hell no, and THAT my friend is the challenge.  

And when in doubt I look to the brutally honest and uncompromising Universe and all her players. 

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