Saturday, November 23, 2019

Why does it take a crisis?

The question I ponder is, why does it take a crisis for people to realize we are all in this together. That everyone is just a citizen of this earth with similar struggles and challenges.

In times of crisis most of our prejudices fall away and we band together to help each other...there is no color, beliefs or other obstacles in our way to share our love and support and understanding.
But, why must we wait until a crisis to practice this. Why can we not support and help each other all the time? Aren't we all human beings living on earth? Fundamentally we all have similar desires...we wish to love and be loved, we wish to protect those we love and be happy, right?

A crisis forces us to level the playing field as we are all trapped in the same moment. It is when we realize that we cannot do this alone.

At this time of giving thanks for what we have, take a moment to reflect on the fact that we are all on this earth together at this time to be happy. And if we are honest with ourselves, what makes us truly happy is to share the joy and one needs someone (usually) to share that joy with. We experience more happiness when we increase the happiness in some form or way in the world around us.
Do Not wait for a crisis to be one with all humans on this beautiful earth.

Give thanks for the earth that supports all life and enjoy all and everything that is sharing this world and this life with you NOW!

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