Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Informed consent

Informed consent...

Such a controversial issue when it comes to vaccines. What does informed consent mean, wikipedia defines it as...."An informed consent can be said to have been given based upon a clear appreciation and understanding of the facts, implications, and consequences of an action. Adequate informed consent is rooted in respecting a person’s dignity. To give informed consent, the individual concerned must have adequate reasoning faculties and be in possession of all relevant facts."

"A clear understanding of the facts, implications and consequences of an action"...When it comes to vaccines, the relevant facts are very often hidden from the patients and the Doctor. The CDC's whistle blower Dr. William Thomson's 2014 admission of research fraud with regard to manipulating the pivotal study showing a correlation between the MMR vaccines and the incidence of autism, is one of those cover ups and facts that were hidden from the general public. This research was known in 2004 by the CDC and the pharmaceutical industry.

There is no doubt that everyone is concerned about keeping our children safe and healthy but is our vaccine regimen doing that or is it too aggressive and harming the very children we are trying to keep safe.

There are so many pier reviewed articles that state that the current CDC schedule and certain vaccines are definitely harming the health of our children.

Another research scientist, Dr Goldman was blocked from publishing his research paper that stated that the chicken pox vaccine given to children causes shingles later in life...(around 40 or so)

The new viruses caused by vaccines are more dangerous and virulent (aggressive) than the viruses the vaccines are said to protect us from. For example, the norovirus (a result of the rotavirus vaccine) is far more dangerous than the rotavirus itself, which according to some researchers is actually  unnecessary for children in the USA.

There are also retroviruses found in the rotavirus vaccines and if you wish to know the 'downward spiral' in health caused by retroviruses, please read PLAGUE by Kent Heckenlively and Doctor Judy Mikovits

I would suggest getting informed before making the very important decisions related to vaccines and their safety and efficacy. Here are a few very informative documentaries:

The truth about vaccines by Ty Bollinger
Exposing the truth about vaccines by Dr. Tenpenny (website)

Many experts in the field feel that our vaccine schedule is too aggressive and it is our duty to force change and demand further investigation regarding which vaccines are necessary, if any, and if waiting to vaccinate is a better, safer option.

For those who would like to know more about a safer vaccine schedule, I would recommend, The Vaccine Friendly Plan by Paul Thomas MD and Jennifer Margulis Ph.D

Informed consent also extends to the foods we eat and the additives added to that and if our foods are GMO or not, but that is a subject for another day.

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