Thursday, January 26, 2017

We are beings of light...

The term light has a few different meanings for me: light, as in the opposite of heavy, unburdened and devoid of extra weight.

Light, as in bright and shiny, being able to see the way, bringing clarity - seeing...

In my life, I feel that it is important to be light now, to be unencumbered by weight and troubles and worries. It is important for me to be a light in my own world, to shine brightly wherever there is gloom and darkness of thought, words and emotions. To shine a light on the light in others and help raise the vibrations of everyone and the planet.

I will throw the dark covers of fear and ingratitude off my shoulders. I will shrug off the dark dust that I have allowed to accumulate in all the crevices of my mind and body, for I know that in dark times only the light and lightness of my being can drive out the gloom and doom, the darkness.

When I am in the light I will help shine the light on the good in others, the good in the world. This WILL ripple out and create more light and ultimately more love.

In order to be more light and be lighter I will allow the love that I AM to rise from the depths of my being and shine from my face, my eyes and every pore in my body.

This light and love is the only way I know to change my reality and all and everything I encounter.

I choose to be the light that I AM and I choose to see the light that you are....This is all I can control and change.

How about you? 💖

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