Friday, April 3, 2020

Rediscover your core energy, when our world falls apart.

When Our World Falls Apart

When external factors shift, we have an opportunity to rediscover our core, the only truly safe place to call home.
"There are times when our whole world seems to be falling apart around us, and we are not sure what to hold onto anymore. Sometimes our relationships crumble and sometimes it's our physical environment. At other times, we can't put our finger on it, but we feel as if all the walls have fallen down around us and we are standing with nothing to lean on, exposed and vulnerable. These are the times in our lives when we are given an opportunity to see where we have established our sense of identity, safety, and well-being. And while it is perfectly natural and part of our process to locate our sense of self in externals, any time those external factors shift, we have an opportunity to rediscover and move closer to our core, which is the only truly safe place to call home. 

The core of our being is not affected by the shifting winds of circumstance or subject to the cycles of change that govern physical reality. It is as steady and consistent as the sun, which is why the great mystics and mystical poets often reference the sun in their odes to the self. Like the sun, there are times when our core seems to be inaccessible to us, but this is just a misperception. We know that when the sun goes behind a cloud or sets for the night, it has not disappeared but is simply temporarily out of sight. In the same way, we can trust that our inner core is always shining brightly, even when we cannot quite see it. "

The core or Dahn Jon as it is called in Korean is the power center for our energy. It is also known as the Chi center and therefore keeping it warm and activated will help us and our health tremendously during these challenging times. The breath into this area is vital and there are a few different exercises to activate the energy and keep it strong. I practice the following everyday. 

Here are a few things one can do on a daily basis to stay centered and healthy:

Body tapping is also a great way to awaken the energy within your body...


Sometimes it’s hard not to get caught up in the emotions of the masses. Fear and anger and uncertainty abounds, yet through it all I also see hope. I feel the fear and uncertainty and check in with myself to see if it belongs to me. I have paid close attention to the things I take in through my eyes and ears and the emotions they awaken. I have realized what some of my triggers for insecurity and fear are. Some of it even surprised me and that is another blessing. I love self gives me an opportunity to change and grow. So many media outlets are feeding our fears. I am being very selective as to what I chose to consume through my eyes and ears. I AM THE MASTER OF MY BRIAN AND GET TO CHOSE (strange how the caps was enabled on that line...and I didn’t intend was as if it capitalized itself) 

Slowing down and regrouping en mass is a wonderful thing. Finding more time to focus inward was a luxury before and now you are handed all the time to do so.
Go within, find out who you really are and look at all the emotions this time is bringing up for you. 
What is that about, where do these emotions come from and can you let them go or can you heal the wound that created them?

I see this time as a blessing. We are connecting with our friends and re-connecting with ourselves. The illusion of busyness is falling away and all we are left with is the present moment. How are you choosing to spend your time and how will you move into the future.

What is important to you? Are you using this downtime as an opportunity to heal and grow and emerge stronger and healthier or not? Are you changing with the times?