Saturday, February 22, 2020


Why is it so easy for us to judge others, to infuse our ideas on their behavior.

Take a moment and think about this... you have no idea how someone else is feeling or what someone's language is, how someone speaks/expresses themselves. And by this I mean, love language, appreciation language, action/non action language etc.

How someone else shows appreciation or love can be a mystery for most but if we put our own emotions and beliefs and JUDGEMENTS aside, we may be able to see clearly. They may not verbally say thank you but do they say it in their actions? Are they the first to offer a hand to help, do they try and offer compliments or encouragement to let you know how they feel or how much they value you. Do they try and be in your space just to be near you and spend time with you.

Those little "Irritating" things they do may just be their way of trying to tell you how they feel or express what they find hard to do in words?

Humans....we find it easier to judge than to look, to try and see.

Maybe today, you can suspend your opinion and judgement and emotions long enough to just observe and try to see the divinity in another. Try to see how hard they are trying to love, to show that they see you too, that they love and appreciate you!

Less judgement, more love and at least trying to understand, trying to step out of your own way to see and value another and appreciate the small and "strange"ways they say what words fail to convey.

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