We hear a lot about he nutrients that is becoming essential to take due to our soil being depleted and our food becoming less and less nutrient dense. Well, this is all true and for those concerned about this, I recommend the Fabulous 5 and most nutritional companies have these supplements.
I like Nutri-Dyn products in my practice and use Metagenics, Standard Process and Progressive labs too.
I think it is very important to use a very high quality nutritional support product to make sure you are not adding to the toxic load your body carries from just functioning in our current world that has become overloaded with toxic emissions and chemicals.
Here is the lis of the fabulous 5 I think everyone could use to help with base nutrition and health and wellbeing:
(it is good to note that there are many probiotics specific to certain health challenges and areas where one may be deficient in the correct good bacteria, like the gut or female hormone system (*Ultraflora women) or Immune health...*Ultraflora Immune Booster)
I also recommend a good daily protein shake and depending on your needs and tase there are many great ones that can be purchased through the shop button on the Natural Health Haven LLC website
* Metagenics products