At some point one must learn how to say no without guilt. Saying no when you are asked to do something, or participate in something that is not your truth, is a beautiful thing. We always have choices in life and we must use them wisely. If you chose to participate, do so with all of your being and if you cannot or do not want to do so then it is best to just say no.
You are never doing anyone any favors when participating or doing things under duress. You also send a message that it is not okay to follow your truth and trust yourself. How can anyone else trust you if you do not trust yourself.
Research from the University of California in San Francisco shows that the more difficulty you have in saying no, the more likely you are to experience stress, burn out and even depression and these three things hinder your emotional intelligence.
An article I read recently in Forbes, by Travis Bradley, had some helpful hints on learning to say no..
1) Find your yes...And by this they meant that you must know or find what you are saying yes to when you say no. In other words, every opportunity that you pass with a no is really saying yes to something else - something you would prefer to do or something more important in the long run.
You must know what you really want to be able to say no and this comes form inner soul searching and getting to know yourself.
2) Sleeping on it is good advice...if you are unsure then taking some time to think it over is a good idea. It will be easier to say no when you have considered all the facts, your commitments, and whether it is worth your time or a realistic addition to your time, AND you will have time to find the best way to say no.
3) Make sure you are actually saying NO...Using limp phrases instead of saying no will often be considered a yes, so avoid phrases like "I don't think I can or I'm not certain"
AND be prepared to repeat yourself. Sometimes people push back and you may need to repeat your no again and again. It is your right to say no to any request (free choice, remember) and you may need to be firm in order to have your intentions understood.
When saying no and upsetting another, remember that it is just their ego responding to your no, if they took the time to examine their reaction they may find that it was more their ego that was hurt than their true spirit or soul. (either way, it is not your problem)
I learned that I chose every thought and feeling I have and I learned the it is ok to say NO.
I learned that I have much work to do on myself and that I must practice the art of saying no for it to become easier and more natural to do what is right for me, guilt free. And I will start by examining what I am saying yes too, instead.
I am also learning that I have much to unlearn, whilst learning.
I may share more of what I am learning each week as I travel this road of watching myself.
I love Dr Silverman and have enjoyed listening to many of his lectures and presentations on nutrition and sport nutrition. He is a wealth of information and lectures all over the world.
Here he explains intermittent fasting in a short and concise manner....
The practice of fasting dates back to the earliest humans. At a time when food sources were scarce and irregular, eating cycled between periods of hunger and feast. This cycle encouraged—and ultimately, evolved—the body’s ability to survive during periods of food scarcity.
Today, food abundance, not scarcity, is the nutritional problem. We now use fasting selectively as a means to manage body weight, remove harmful toxins in the body, and challenge the body’s stress response pathways.
Fasting works on both sides of the calorie equation. Not eating increases the number of calories burned by boosting the metabolic rate and reduces the number of calories consumed.
When fasting continues for more than 24 hours, the body can start to consume lean muscle mass along with stored fat.
The stress of fasting, without food or intermittently, on the body activates autophagy — the body’s natural cellular regeneration process. Autophagy literally means self-eating.
During autophagy, damaged cells break down; the body recycles their components for energy and as the building blocks of new cells. Autophagy helps the body remove the harmful and toxic compounds released when cells break down, recycles damaged proteins, and increases the production of ketones. It also removes damaged immune system cells and activates stem cells.
True fasting with no food intake is difficult to maintain, however — it causes powerful hunger sensations and isn’t compatible with daily life and work schedules.
A long-term alternative to fasting without eating is intermittent fasting, or eating only within a limited daily timeframe.
The eating window during intermittent fasting typically spans between four and seven hours during the day. It can be reduced or expanded, depending on dietary needs, but the fasting period should be at least 12 hours from the last meal of the evening to the first meal the following day.
During intermittent fasting, calories are not restricted, only the timeframe for consuming them. The diet (preferably healthy with no processed foods or sugar) remains as usual, with no caloric limits.
Even without cutting calories, intermittent fasting can lead to weight loss of 3 to 8 percent of body weight, if it is done consistently over a period of 3 to 24 weeks.
Intermittent fasting with at least 12 hours overnight without eating puts the body into mild ketosis, which can lead to weight loss, greater insulin sensitivity, and improved body composition.
I be here are still many who do not know the difference between grass fe and corn fed beef or grass finished or if it is really beneficial to eat organic meats. I found this article informative and it helps explain some of the differences and the nutritional benefits to you.
I highly recommend only eating organic 100% grass fed beef, dairy products and being particular about the labels and certifications of such products.
Grass-Fed Beef: Marketing Jargon or Quality Promises?
By Whitney Crouch, RDN, CLT
“Natural.” “Humanely raised.” “Environmentally friendly.” “Agriculturally sustainable.” “Grass-fed.” “Pastured.” Terms that are, essentially, meaningless. These are all declarations that are not validated by any standardized methodology or verified by a United States governmental body, so these terms cannot actually help consumers rely on the quality of the beef they purchase.1
There are many factors to consider when looking at beef quality, and, as the previously mentioned marketing terms suggest, individuals often do consider different aspects of how the animal was bred and raised when purchasing meat for consumption.
What’s the difference when it comes to beef?
The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that Americans reduce their red meat intake in an effort to reduce saturated fats in the diet and increase “healthy” fat intake, such as those found in plants and fish.2 To reduce saturated fat from red meat, the AHA further recommends consumers look for lean beef (round, sirloin, chuck, loin), buy “choice” or “select” grades of beef rather than “prime,” and choose lean (or extra lean) ground beef with no more than 15% fat.2 They do not, however, discuss how the beef cattle’s feed affects its nutrient profile.
Grass-fed, predominantly grass-fed, or 100% grass-fed
Beef cattle raised for consumption are usually all raised on pasture for the first 6-9 months of life. After these first few months, and weaning from the mother, all cattle are reared by using conventional methods or pastured means.
Approximately 95% of the beef cattle in the United States continue to be “finished,” or fattened, on grain for their last 160 to 180 days (about 25-30% of their life).3 The average weight gain is 2.5-4 pounds per day. While most of a calf’s nutrition until it is weaned is from grass, feedlot rations are generally composed of 70-90% grain and protein concentrates.4
Technically, the conventionally raised type of meat could be labeled “grass-fed,” because the cow did live off of foraging for the first 6-9 months and there is no longer a “USDA Process Verified Grass-Fed” label that creates standards for this term.5-6 The USDA previously certified meats from farmers who claimed to only feed the animals grass (forage); however, there was no verbiage stating that the animals had to forage their own food, so they effectively could have been on a feedlot receiving harvested grasses. Currently, the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) of the Department of Agriculture (USDA) reviews and approves all labels on meat to verify that the products are properly labeled according to what information is submitted to them, and nongovernment certifying bodies are working to verify and maintain consistent standards for labeling.1 If 95% of beef is conventionally farmed, this leaves the other approximately 5% of cattle to the grass-fed production method, and the lines can get a little blurry with regard to labeling.
Grass-fed animals are typically raised on grasses for their entire life, from birth to slaughter. This, however, does not mean that the cattle have been out on pasture daily, nor does it mean they are free from antibiotics or growth hormones. Incidentally, there are also no standards regarding antibiotic or growth hormone use in beef cattle.
When it comes to body composition, grass-fed cows tend to be leaner than their age-matched, grain-fed counterparts.3 In comparison to conventionally-raised and grain-finished cattle, if adequate energy is supplied to the grazing cattle, grass-fed cattle may be expected to gain 2.0 to 2.5 pounds per day.3
Studies show that there are differences in the fatty acid profiles of beef finished on pasture/grass, as opposed to grains.7-10
Overall, a grass-fed animal is leaner than its grain-fed counterparts, and the composition of the fat in the grass-fed animal’s meat has slightly increased levels of omega-3 polyunsaturated fats and reduced amounts of monounsaturated and saturated fats as compared to grain-fed animals.7-10 It is also important to note that grass/forage variety and form, as well as cattle breed, have a significant impact on the nutritional profile of beef.7
The higher trace amounts of omega-3 fatty acids docosapentanoic acid (DPA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexanoic acid (DHA) all support a healthier balance of fats in the diet when consumed over time; however, if the goal is to increase omega-3 fatty acids in the diet, even grass-fed meat cannot provide the amounts of these omega-3 fatty acids that are found in in fatty fish, such as salmon.7
Does swapping grain-fed meat for 100% grass-fed red meat actually have an effect on blood levels? To answer that question, researchers conducted a study where healthy people replaced their usual grain-fed red meat intake with three portions per week of grass-fed red meat (beef and lamb). Lab tests after four weeks confirmed significantly higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood after grain-fed meat consumption. This demonstrates intake of grass-fed meats, rather than grain-fed meats, may help individuals achieve healthier, more balanced fatty acid levels over time.11
It’s not just the fat that’s different. The antioxidant values differ as well.
In addition to increased ratios of healthy fats, vitamin E levels are higher in pasture-raised meat. This characteristic is not only beneficial to the individual consuming the meat, but it also helps to prevent oxidation of the meat between slaughter and consumption.12 Research has shown a seven-fold increase in β-carotene levels in grass-fed beef over grain-fed beef.13
Shopping for quality
With these factors in mind, consumers should look for “100% Grass-Fed” on labels, as there are factors that could lead a herd to receive varying amounts of grains to prevent malnourishment, including seasonal changes to forgeable food, digestibility of forgeable grasses, lack of grazing land, or population-dictated food demands.3
While these meats can still be considered predominantly grass-fed, having even a few days of grain negates the “100% Grass-Fed” label. When shopping for beef, one should inquire with the farmer or butcher about the animal’s feed and grazing habits. If a consumer is shopping for a product derived from the protein-only portion of the grass-fed beef (as with collagen peptides and related products), it may be helpful to keep in mind that the fatty acid profile does not play a role here. Look for labels that disclose “100% Grass-Fed” or “Predominantly Grass-Fed,” and when in doubt, ask questions.
Here are a few other third-party labels one can look for to verify meat quality:1
PCO Certified 100% Grassfed: Beef is certified as both organic and 100% grass-fed (after weaning), with no grains in the diet. An “organic” designation means no antibiotics or growth hormones were used during the animal’s rearing, and no synthetic pesticides were used on the pastures the animal grazed on.
Animal Welfare Approved Grassfed: Animals receive humane treatment from birth to slaughter with continuous access to pasture. This designation prohibits use of feedlots. No growth hormones are used in these animals, and no pesticides are used on their pastures; however, antibiotics can be administered to treat sick animals. Branding and dehorning are prohibited; however, castration and disbudding of horns are permitted before specific ages. Animals are given a 100% grass- or forage-based diet after weaning.
American Grassfed: Animals are grass-fed throughout their entire lives (after weaning), with no grains in the diet. The animals had continuous access to pasture, and when grazing on pasture was not possible (because of weather or other such conditions), a grass-based forage was provided. The standards also prohibit antibiotics, growth hormones, and the use of certain parasiticides. Standards do, however, allow the use of pesticides and herbicides on pasture, as well as genetically engineered alfalfa.
Van Elswyk ME et al. Impact of grass/forage feeding versus grain finishing on beef nutrients and sensory quality: the U.S. experience. Meat Sci. 2014;96(1):535-540.
Duckett SK et al. Effects of winter stocker growth rate and finishing system on: III. Tissue proximate, fatty acid, vitamin, and cholesterol content. J Anim Sci. 2009;87(9):2961-2970.
Duckett SK et al. Effects of forage species or concentrate finishing on animal performance, carcass and meat quality. J Anim Sci. 2013;91(3):1454-1467.
Leheska JM et al. Effects of conventional and grass-feeding systems on the nutrient composition of beef. J Anim Sci. 2008;86(12):3575-3585.
McAfee AJ et al. Red meat from animals offered a grass diet increases plasma and platelet n-3 PUFA in healthy consumers. Br J Nutr. 2011;105(1):80-89.
Fruet APB et al. Oxidative stability of beef from steers finished exclusively with concentrate, supplemented, or on legume-grass pasture. Meat Sci. 2018;145:121-126.
Daley CA et al. A review of fatty acid profiles and antioxidant content in grass-fed and grain-fed beef. Nutr J. 2010;9:10
The PCO Certified 100% GrassFed logo is owned by Pennsylvania Certified Organic. The Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW logo is owned by A Greener World. The American Grassfed logo is owned by the American Grassfed Association.
I love sharing great information...Collagen and bone broth is certainly something we have all seen around and may need a bit more information here you go!
Benefits of Collagen Peptides for Hair, Skin, Nails, & Joints
By Whitney Crouch, RDN, CLT
Collagen: It’s the most abundant structural protein in the body, and it’s more than just a hip, new trend popularized by different lifestyle personalities and brands. It takes the shape of a triple helix composed of the continuous repetitive motif, Gly-X-Y, where Gly is glycine, X is proline (Pro), and Y is hydroxyproline (Hyp).1 The latter two amino acids are specific to collagen structures. These protein building blocks make up the structure in skin, tendons, bones, and teeth and are integral in the health and maintenance of these structures over our lifetime.
Collagen is found naturally in the connective tissue of land animals such as humans, cows, and chickens, as well as some marine life, including fish. It makes up about 25% of our bodies’ protein content and is helpful in soft-tissue repair.2-3
People who consume animal protein regularly in their diet are consuming some collagen; however, muscle-meat proteins largely lack the rich proteins found in connective tissue. Individuals who routinely sip traditionally prepared bone broth benefit from the collagen extracted from the cartilaginous tissue used in the broth’s preparation. Furthermore, studies show that easily digested and absorbed forms of collagen, like those found in quality dietary supplements, can have an even greater rate of absorption than traditionally prepared foods.
Different types of collagen
Whether from animal or marine sources, all collagen comes from amino acids, the building blocks of protein in the body. Animal and marine collagens are constitutionally the same—that is, they’re made up of the same amino acids—however, animal sources have a larger quantity of some amino acids (proline and hydroxyproline, specifically).4
Research shows there are more than 28 different types of collagen, but the three most abundant are Types I, II, and III. These collagen types form the structural fibrils of tissues, while the others take part in the association of these fibrils with other tissues.2
Type I: This is the most abundant form of collagen and is found in tendons and throughout the body. It is a key building block for hair, skin, nail, blood vessel, and teeth health.5
Type II: This type of collagen structure is found most often in joint cartilage.6
Type III: This is the second most abundant form of collagen and is always found in association with Type I collagen.5
What is the difference among hydrolyzed collagen, collagen peptides, and gelatin?
Gelatin is the denatured form of collagen, but it is packaged in a different structure from other forms of collagen. It’s created by partial hydrolysis (breaking apart) of the full-length protein, and depending on the extraction process used, gelatin may vary in functional properties, despite having the same amino acids content as collagen. Gelatin, also considered the cooked form of collagen, usually undergoes extensive processing which decreases its bioavailability.7 Gelatin mixes well with hot water and becomes a gummy solid when cooled.
Hydrolyzed collagen (also called collagen hydrolysate) is the result of the enzymatic breakdown (or hydrolysis) of the full-length collagen protein, extracted and dehydrated (into a white powder). It contains a mixture of different types and combinations of collagen peptides. Because of its smaller size, hydrolyzed collagen is easier to digest and use. The absorption rate of hydrolyzed collagen is said to be over 90% compared to only 27% or less in food.1
Collagen peptides (another name for hydrolyzed collagen and collagen hydrolysate) involve the breaking down of the molecular bonds between individual collagen strands to peptides. These are specific peptides fragments, usually 2 to 20 amino acid residues in length, which have biological activity. Due to their smaller size, these peptides show higher bioavailability and are better absorbed into the bloodstream.1 Collagen peptides mix well with hot or cold liquids, and these mixtures remain liquid when at room temperature and when cold.
Outward appearance
In addition to improving structural integrity and elasticity of the skin, the consumption of Types I and III collagen also improves skin’s ability to retain moisture and may fight UVB photodamage, which in turn promotes healthier and younger looking skin, according to studies.8-10
There is also mounting clinical evidence of collagen’s benefits in strengthening the collagenous structures of hair and nails. A study in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology reveals that collagen is strongly deposited in hair follicles, and the lack of collagen delays hair cycling and growth, suggesting that collagen could be a potential area warranting further investigation.11
In a six-month study looking at brittle nails, researchers found that daily supplementation with collagen resulted in increased nail growth and improved brittle nails in conjunction with a notable decrease in the frequency of broken nails.12
Inner strength and resilience
Additional evidence shows that supplementing with oral collagen stimulates collagenic tissue regeneration by increasing not only collagen synthesis, but minor components (glycosaminoglycans and hyaluronic acid) synthesis, as well. One such study used validated self-perception questionnaires to measure joint comfort and overall joint health in study subjects. After 90 days of intervention, 78% of subjects in the test group reported to have less joint discomfort, and more than 60% of the subjects agreed their joint health improved by increasing joint flexibility, mobility, and reducing joint stiffness. There were no statistically significant changes in the control group.13
As if the benefits of adequate dietary collagen seen in hair, skin, nails, and joints aren’t enough, there is also evidence to support collagen and gelatin’s role in bone health. In bone, approximately 95% is Type I collagen, providing viscoelastic strength, torsional stiffness, and load-bearing capacity. Type II collagen is also involved in bone formation, even though it is mainly found in cartilage.14
While the body of evidence around collagen supplementation continues to grow, the benefits of daily supplementation with collagen peptides (hydrolyzed collagen) can already be seen. There are uses for both gelatin and collagen peptides in cooking, baking, smoothies, and other means; however, the higher rate of digestion and bioavailability of the peptide form makes this supplement a great addition to anyone’s health routine.
Fu Y et al. Exploration of collagen recovered from animal by-products as a precursor of bioactive peptides: Successes and challenges. Crit Rev Food Sci and Nutr. 2018;2:1-17.
Rodriguez MIA et al. Collagen: A review on its sources and potential cosmetic applications. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2018;17:20-26.
Eastoe JE. The amino acid composition of mammalian collagen and gelatin. Biochem J. 1955; 61(4):589-600.
Fazli S et al. Marine collagen: an emerging player in biomedical applications. J Food Sci Technol. 2015;52(8):4703–4707.
Lodish H et al. Molecular Cell Biology. 4th edition. New York: W. H. Freeman; 2000. Section 22.3, Collagen: The Fibrous Proteins of the Matrix.
Buckley MR et al. Distributions of types I, II and III collagen by region in the human supraspinatus tendon. Connect tissue res. 2013;54(6): 374–379.
Eastoe JE. The amino acid composition of mammalian collagen and gelatin. Biochem J 1955; 61(4):589-600.
Shimizu J et al. Oral collagen-derived dipeptides, prolyl-hydroxyproline and hydroxyprolyl-glycine, ameliorate skin barrier dysfunction and alter gene expression profiles in the skin. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2015;456(2):626-30.
Nozomi J et al. Optimization of dose of collagen hydrolysate to prevent UVB-irradiated skin damage. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2016;80(2):356-9.
Proksch E et al. Oral supplementation of specific collagen peptides has beneficial effects on human skin physiology: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Skin Pharmacol Physiol. 2014;27(1):47-55.
Chen P et al. Lack of collagen VI promotes wound-induced hair growth. J Invest Dermatol. 2015;135(10):2358-2367.
Hexsel D et al. Oral supplementation with specific bioactive collagen peptides improves nail growth and reduces symptoms of brittle nails. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2017;16(4):520-526.
Clark KL et al. 24-week study on the use of collagen hydrolysate as a dietary supplement in athletes with activity-related joint pain. Curr Med Res Opin. 2008;24(5):1485-96.
Czajka A et al. Daily oral supplementation with collagen peptides combined with vitamins and other bioactive compounds improves skin elasticity and has a beneficial effect on joint and general wellbeing. Nutr Res. 2018;57:97-108.
Impossible Foods, the Silicon Valley-based maker of the Impossible Burger, admits that consumers could experience adverse reactions to its lab-grown burger.
But in its warning to consumersthe company downplays the potential risks associated with the burger’sgenetically engineered ingredients, claiming that, hey, people could be allergic to just about any of the burger’s ingredients.
In other words, don’t blame the GMO ingredients!
Impossible Burger’s main ingredient isGMO soy. While organic fermented soy products like tofu or miso are healthy foods, the highly processed GMO soy in the burger is a nutritionally inferior junk food ingredient.
GMO soy is genetically engineered to soak up glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup weedkiller. Glyphosate is a “probable human carcinogen” according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Its maker,Monsanto(now owned by Bayer), has recently beenorderedto pay out billions in compensation to victims who developed non-Hodgkin lymphoma as a result of using the weedkiller.
The other GMO ingredient in the Impossible Burger is soy leghemoglobin, or heme, which gives the burger its color and makes it “bleed.”
Rather than getting the heme straight from soy, Impossible Foods makes itby taking the genes that code for the soy leghemoglobin protein, inserting them into a species of yeast called Pichia pastoris, then feeding the genetically modified yeast sugar and minerals, to make it grow, replicate and manufacture heme. Then the heme is extracted from the yeast.
So many things can go wrong with this process. And it would be very difficult to detect contamination, before it was too late.
In 1989, a food supplement,L-tryptophan, that was also produced using genetically modified bacteria, was found to be toxic. It killed 37 people and disabled more than1500 others.
In the L-tryptophan incident, the product was greater than 99 percent pure, devoid of DNA, and the toxin was present in less than 0.1 percent of the final marketed product. Still, it caused disease and death.
Dangers like this are why GMOs need to be safety tested.
The American Medical Association’s Council on Science and Public Health supports mandatory safety assessments prior to release of genetically modified foods because of “a small potential for adverse events . . . due mainly to horizontal gene transfer, allergenicity and toxicity.”
The National Academy of Sciences concluded that genetic modification posed a higher risk of introducing unintended changes into food than any other crop-breeding method other than mutation breeding, a method in which plant genomes are bombarded with radiation or chemicals to induce mutations.
The World Health Organization has stated: “Different GM organisms include different genes inserted in different ways. This means that individual GM foods and their safety should be assessed on a case-by-case basis and that it is not possible to make general statements on the safety of all GM foods.”
The WHO recommends that “adequate post-market monitoring” is carried out to ensure the safety of genetically modified foods. Yet such monitoring is not carried out anywhere in the world.
That’s why nearly 300 independent scientists from around the world issued a public warningthat there was no scientific consensus about the safety of eating genetically modified food, and that the risks, as demonstrated in independent research, gave “serious cause for concern.”
The final FDA comment period on GMO heme comes to a close on September 3. This is your last chance to weigh in on the need for real regulation of GMOs.