Monday, July 15, 2019

Soil based organisms and Probiotics.

There are so many questions regarding probiotics and soil based organisms. Here is a brief description on our new soil based product and a youtube clip explaining why the Bacteriophages are  important.
I personally take both the spores and my daily probiotics for improved Immunity and gut function, basically for better health.

Spore Probio is a Soil-Based Spore-Forming Probiotic combination containing powerful digestive enzymes with a synergistic bacteriophage formula that promotes immune function and digestive health.

Probiotic Spores, or Soil-Based Organisms (SBOs) have been receiving much attention over the last few years, ideally utilized in conjunction with traditionally used quality probiotic supplements. 

Humans use to get regular exposure to these Probiotic Spores, or Soil-Based Organisms (SBOs) , by gardening with your bare hands, walking barefoot in non-chemically treated grass, even eating food from non-chemically treated gardens without washing the consumed produce. 

These soil based organisms served as a "natural fertilizer" to recondition your intestinal lining, preparing the gut lining to implant the beneficial/protective bacteria, especially the bifido bacteria. This unique spore-forming probiotic formula (Spore Probio) effectively reconditions the gut by increasing microbial diversity and encouraging the growth of key health-promoting, commensal gut bacteria.

The soil based spore-forming probiotics are antibiotic, acid, heat, and enzyme resistance making them effective and able to supplement most anytime, even when on antibiotics. 

Spore Probio contains one of the highest concentrations (5 billion per serving size) of the most effective soil based, spore-forming probiotics. These spore forming probiotics have a 5 year shelf life and don’t require refrigeration. 

The Bacteriophages (phage technology) have been used for decades in Russia, Central Europe, and the US as effective alternatives to antibiotics. These bacteriophages don’t infect humans, instead they modulate the microbiome and support healthy gastro-intestinal health. They get into the pathogens DNA and destroy them…like heat seeking missiles. Their popularity fall off with the introduction of antibiotics which were a major breakthrough in the late 40’s. 

For a really concise, entertaining video explanation of Bacteriophages (phage technology), the effectiveness of “Phage Therapy”: 

Spore Probio contains the prebiotic “Xylo Oligosaccharides (XOS)" which unlike some oligosaccharides such as FOS, only feeds the beneficial bacteria, ”Enzymes to support digestion", "Bacteriophages (phage technology)",and powerful "Probiotic Spores, or Soil-Based Organisms (SBOs)" in one convenient formula.

Spore Probio comes in a 60-capsule bottle (catalog code is T2196) - Suggested dosing is 2 capsules daily (with or without food) - 

From Dr.Mercola:

  • Improve the condition of your microbiome and gut integrity
  • Promote tight junctions in your gut epithelial lining
  • Support a normal inflammatory response in your gut and body
  • Enhance digestion and absorption of nutrients
  • Lower the pH in your gut to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria
  • Support your body’s immune function
  • Reduce unwanted biofilm effects to help fight pathogenic bacteria
  • Support your GI tract’s detoxification processes
  • Boost the production of short-chain fatty acids by as much as 40 percent
  • Enhance the benefits of Complete Probiotics (reseeding probiotics)* 
Because your gut needs both kinds of probiotics, I believe many people will benefit from taking both both spore and probiotics especially if you have a compromised gut or if any of these situations apply to you:
  • You’ve taken antibiotics any time during the last two years
  • You’ve had surgery or a hospital stay within the last two years
  • You’ve travelled to another country in recent months (your microbiome can change in as little as 24 hours!)

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