Monday, January 29, 2018

Liquid minerals....dig a little deeper

The idea that liquid nutrition is more bioavailable has been bantered around forever. I recently came across a magnesium formula and the marketing for the product was good. One only had to dig a little deeper to discover that the science backing up their claims was sadly lacking.

I have added the conclusions derived from digging a little deeper into Nano magnesium and encourage all to do some research and ask some qualified, technical people in the nutritional field before jumping on the marketing social media, nutritional network marketing bandwagon...Anyone on the Internet can make claims about anything, BUT can they back it up with solid science or human clinical trials or proven facts?????

In simple terms, the “Upgraded Magnesium”(by Upgraded Formulas) claim to be 100% bioavailable, directly absorbed Into the body – bypassing digestion - by using angstrom-size minerals”... is great marketing, but is lacking any solid science…

As Dr. Mark Kaye points out, "Magnesium has an atomic radius of approximately 1 angstrom. What do they mean "angstrom sized"? Compared to what?”… For example, nano magnesium may simply be (in this case) magnesium chloride in reverse-osmosis (mineral free) water. Is the only benefit that it is a liquid versus pill?”…  

The ingredients listed in the “Upgraded Magnesium” are magnesium as chloride (a decently utilized form of magnesium), plus reverse-osmosis (mineral free) water. Nothing else. 

As is pointed out below, "All Magnesium supplements are a combination of Magnesium with another substance such as a salt.”… The ingredient lists the “Upgraded Magnesium” as magnesium chloride (magnesium bonded to chloride)… So, based on eveything I can find, the “Upgraded Magnesium” is merely a decent form of magnesium suspended in a (mineral free) water… Nothing to indicate a advantage over any other comparable form of magnesium in either tablet, capsule or powder form.

There are no research studies on their site, or that I can find, documenting a “enhanced uptake” of their "angstrom-size minerals and a patented zero point technology" as compared to any good form of magnesium. 

In fact their only suggested "Proof of effectiveness", is to do a clinical hair analysis before and after 3-6 months of supplementation. (please note that "Hair Trace Mineral analysis” is not considered a reliable assessment of magnesium status and even if of some value, it would only be of interest as compared to a good form of natural magnesium such a magnesium glycinate or citrate)

Bioavilabilty Of Different Magnesium supplements

All Magnesium supplements are a combination of Magnesium with another substance such as a salt. Every salt provides different amounts of elemental Magnesium. The amount of Magnesium and its bioavailability alter the effectiveness of the supplement. Other factors affecting absorption of Magnesium are the existing Magnesium levels of the individual, as Magnesium will be less rapidly absorbed if body levels are already adequate and excreted through the urine or stools if given in excess. Also all the points mentioned above will have an influence on Magnesium absorption.
Bioavailability refers to the amount of elemental Magnesium actually absorbed by the body.
In short, the amount of Magnesium that your tissues can use readily is based on how soluble the Magnesium product is and the amount of elemental or ionic Magnesium that is released.
A value called the “stability constant” is based on the metal-ligand complex. Stability constants are a measure of the strength of the bonds of the compound molecule and vary from 0 upwards.
The lower the stability constant, the more easily it dissolves or dissociates into its metal ions due to weak ionic bonds).  This means the body can easily absorb the metal in ionic form in a pH from 2 (stomach acid) to 7.4 (serum and lymph) ( Thomas E. Furia. 1972).
Metal ions easily pass between the cells. They are under the control of gravity, moving body fluids and the electric charge of the cell membrane.  Metal ions may react with the cell membranes or be taken into the cell. Magnesium ions are present in much greater concentration inside cells than in the serum, being actively brought into the cell, as the cell needs them.
For example, although Magnesium oxide has the highest elemental Magnesium (60%), it also has a high stability constant, meaning that it does not dissociate, or ionize and is therefore poorly bioavailable Gut absorption is believed to be as low as 4%( leaving 288mg of a 500mg capsule unabsorbed in the intestines).
You will find that Magnesium oxide is very common in poor quality supplements simply because it is cheap however, only about 4% of its elemental magnesium is absorbed, equivalent to about 12 mg out of a 500 mg tablet.

Remember to always do your homework on what you put in and on your body. You deserve the best and highest quality nutritional products and food. It is your responsibility to ensure your body is taken care of.  It is the only one you have. Cherish it.

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