Monday, September 4, 2017

Random acts of kindness

Today I have heard the message of kindness twice...

Kindness to ourselves can and is sometimes the hardest. It is said that loving oneself is selfish even narcissistic but that is not true. Narcissists do not love themselves.
Loving yourself is imperative to be able to love others. Even saying, "Oh, I really love myself when I do that" makes you cringe a little doesn't it. Yet, it is easy to say that about another.

The absence of love is fear and fear wrecks havoc within your life and body. Good health depends on you to start allowing more love in. Allowing more light into your life. Do not fear the darkness, just allow it and then bring in more light. This will dispel the fear/darkness and help you see clearly. It will also raise the frequency within your cells which in turn heals.

I am encouraged by the words of Anita Moorjani and Matt Kahn to do random acts of kindness for others, but most of all to do a random act of kindness for myself. Why? so that I can send a clear message to the Universe that I matter, and that I am just as important as all the others I am kind to.

I will heed the message I have so clearly received and start by performing random acts of kindness every day. And like the little kids do when handing out treats...."one for you and one for me."


Sheila Smith said...

So important! Thanks for posting such great wisdom,Heidi!

Sheila Smith said...

So important! Thanks for posting such great wisdom,Heidi!

Natural Health Haven LLC said...

You are welcome, Sheila. These are reminders for all of us to try and be and do better every day.