Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Your relationship with self creates wonderful relationships around you...

I love this post by Louise Hay and have been working on self love and love for my body on a daily basis. The saying..."treat those as you treat yourself" can be terrible if you tend to treat yourself badly, so saying treat those as you wish to be treated is a better way, because we all wish to be treated with love, respect, kindness and compassion. This does however start with self. Start treating yourself with love and loving kindness and you will soon treat the world the same way and the world will treat you with loving kindness and respect. It truly is the energy you project into the word that comes back to you multiplied...

"We have relationships with everything. You are even having a relationship now with what you’re reading and with me and my concepts. The relationships you have with objects and foods and weather and transportation and with people, all reflect the relationship you have with yourself. The relationship you have with yourself is highly influenced by the relationships you had with the adults around you as a child. The way the adults reacted to us is often the way we react toward ourselves now, both positively and negatively. 

Think for a moment of the words you use when you are scolding yourself. Aren’t they the same words your parents used when they were scolding you? What words did they use when they praised you? I’m sure you use the same words to praise yourself. Perhaps they never praised you, so then you have no idea how to praise yourself and probably think you have nothing to praise. I am not blaming our parents because we are all victims of victims. They could not possibly teach you anything they did not know. 

If you want to go from loneliness thinking to fulfillment thinking, then you need to think in terms of creating a loving mental atmosphere within you and around you. 

When you’re able to contribute to the fulfillment of your own needs, then you won’t be so needy and codependent. It has to do with how much you love yourself. When you truly love who you are, you stay centered, calm, and secure, and your relationships at home (as well as at work) are wonderful. You’ll find yourself reacting to various situations and people differently. Matters that once may have been desperately important won’t seem quite as crucial anymore. New people will enter your life, and perhaps some old ones will disappear. This can be kind of scary at first, but it can also be wonderful, refreshing, and exciting. 

Once you’re clear about this issue in your mind, and you know what you want in a relationship, you must go out and be with people. No one is going to suddenly appear at your doorstep. A good way to meet people is in a support group or night class. These types of get-togethers enable you to connect with people who are like-minded or who are involved in the same pursuits. It’s amazing how quickly you can meet new friends. 

Be open and receptive, and the Universe will respond to you, bringing you your highest good. "

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