Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Webster defines miracles as "an event or effect contrary to the established constitution and course of things. - a deviation from the known laws of nature: a supernatural event or one transcending the ordinary laws by which the universe is governed."

This is interesting to me because it then means that miracles occur around us on a daily basis and many of us miss it. Life in and of itself is miraculous. This definition covers a whole host of occurrences.

I had a magical moment when listening to Gabby Bernstein on Ted talks, when I heard that a miracle is a shift in perception, I repeat, a miracle is a shift in perception.

I so often wish for miracles and wonder around in hopes of being smacked in the face by one because I had some strange and untrue idea that miracles are big, grand things that are accompanied by fireworks and fanfare and not the miraculous, everyday things filling my life. Maybe I should have looked up the definition a long time ago and by doing so have experienced a miracle...(shift in perception, Ha)

 I am honored to have shifts in perception on a regular basis. Those light bulb moments when we look at things from a different light/angle and see them as amazing as they are. I vow to appreciate them as miracles from now on.

Here's a shift in perception....we are all connected and stem from the same energy. The table, the trees etc., are all manifestations of source energy. There is nothing below or above us. We are all the same. We are the source. Our energy is an expression of what we witness, feel and think.

What we fear the most we constantly give very powerful energy to, as fear is a strong emotion and the stronger the emotion the stronger the force of energy and the faster we draw like energy towards ourselves.

Take a car accident, we may not have attracted the car accident per se, but we did attract the emotions that we feel resulting from the accident. In other words, if the accident causes us to feel like a victim or angry or frustrated, we need to look at how often and strongly we have felt those same feelings in the days and weeks before...so, we attracted that same feeling... the car accident was merely the vehicle (excuse the pun) that brought that emotion to the surface once again. Thus giving us the opportunity to choose differently, to feel differently, before we attract something even more dismal to amplify our feelings.

I choose to feel happy, whole and healed and keep reminding myself of this so that I may attract more of the same and experience more miracles in my life.

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